
An Ansible Callback Plugin to send information about Ansible Play to a remote API

Primary LanguagePython

Remote API POST Ansible Callback Plugin

An Ansible Callback Plugin to send information about Ansible Play to a remote API.

Use the callback in your Ansible repository

There are different ways to integrate the callback plugin in your project. The easiest one is to:

  • Create a folder called callback_plugins in the root of your project repository
  • Copy the api.py file inside the folder you just created

Another way is to include the project as a git subtree in your project. There is a script in the root of the project subtree-init.sh that can help you setting up the solution, you just need to:

  • Copy the subtree-init.sh script it in the root of your project
  • Run chmod +x subtree-init.sh
  • Run ./subtree-init.sh

The subtree-init.sh script is interactive, it should ask you to reply to some questions, at the end of the run you should have a new callback_plugins folder in your project with the api.py plugin in it.

You can also include the project as a git submodule.

When you run Ansible, it should load the callback plugin on runtime without any change to your configuration or your playbook. There are two ways to send the required variables to the callback plugin:

  • Add a callback_api section to your ansible.cfg file with all the variables
  • Use environment variables (remember to export them)

There is an example playbook in the root of the project, you can use it to test the callback plugin by running the commandansible-playbook main.yml.

Ansible tower integration

In order to use the callback plugin with AWX you need to follow the steps below:

  • Set a new Ansible tower credential type:

    • Login in Ansible tower
    • Click on the Credential Types option on the main menu (left side under ADMINISTRATION section)
    • Click on the Plus + button on the top right corner of the main page
    • Add a name for the new credential type you are creating
    • Copy the content of the awx_config/api_credentials-configuration.yml file in the INPUT CONFIGURATION section
    • Copy the content of the awx_config/api_credentials-injector.yml file in the INJECTOR CONFIGURATION section
    • Click on the SAVE button
  • Create a new set of credentials

    • Login in Ansible tower
    • Click on the Credentials option on the main menu (left side under RESOURCES section)
    • Click on the Plus + button on the top right corner of the main page
    • Add a name for the new credential set you are creating then select the CREDENTIAL TYPE from the dropdown (the name of the type is the one you set on the section above)
    • Click on the SAVE button
  • Add credentials to a template

    • Login in Ansible tower
    • Click on the Templates option on the main menu (left side under RESOURCES section)
    • Select one of your existing template or create a new one clicking on the Plus + button on the top right corner of the main page
    • In order to use the credentials created on the section above
      • Click on the spotlight on the left side of the CREDENTIALS field
      • In the pop-up select the CREDENTIAL TYPE in the drop-down, the name is the same you set on the first section
      • Click on SELECT
      • On the main template window you should be able to see the credential you selected inside the CREDENTIALS input
      • Click on the SAVE button

API Test server

There is a Python/Flask project that is acting as an API server, you can use it to test the callback plugin is working as expected. To use it you need to have:

  • docker installed
  • ansible.cfg configured properly with the callback_api section and all the variables set

You will need to run docker-compose build && docker-compose up to spin the container up, the container will map port 8000 with your localhost (so you can use http://localhost:8000 as endpoint). You can then run the sample playbook (as explained above) to test everything is working as expected.

Environment variables

CALLBACK_API_ENDPOINT: API endpoint (required)
CALLBACK_API_USERNAME: Username to access the API endpoint (required)
CALLBACK_API_PASSWORD: Password to access the API endpoint (required)
CALLBACK_API_REQUIRED_VARIABLES: Extra variables to be present so that the POST action will be submitted, if empty default values will be loaded (resource_id,transaction_id)
CALLBACK_API_SKIP_EMPTY_TASK_NAME: If the task doesn't have a name set then the POST action will be skipped
CALLBACK_API_VERBOSE: Send verbose POST to API endpoint