
A Python library for structural optimization.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


TheEng is a Python library for dealing with structural optimization.

It is designed to be modular and expandable. It leverages surrogate modelling in order to speed up optimization when function evaluations are too expensive but the optimizer does not assume anything on the objective function, therefore it can directly work on the simulation run (wrapped in a callable).

The library is born for a joint usage together with Finite Element Model (FEM) and parametric CAD modelling but the same workflow can easily be applied to any simulator (e.g. CFD). So far it interface (somehow) with FreeCAD.

The library automates:

  1. The sampling of the simulation in order to create a dataset to train the surrogate if needed.
  2. The surrogate training.
  3. The optimization of the design.
  4. The post-processing, using Multi-Criteria Decision Making in order to select the best design.
  5. The result visualization.


TheEng is available on Pypi.

pip install -U theeng


Here is illustrated a simple usage replicating the example in Pymoo documentation --> here

The parameters are (x1, x2).
The objectives are (f1, f2).

from os import getcwd
from os.path import join

from theeng.core.optimizer import Optimizer
from theeng.core.problem import ProblemConstructor
from theeng.core.ranker import Ranker
from theeng.core.visualization import Visualization

def simulator(parameters):
    # Dummy simulation, should wrap a real simulation executed by an external program.
    x1 = parameters["x1"]
    x2 = parameters["x2"]
    results = {
        "f1" : 100 * (x1**2 + x2**2)
        "f2" : (x1 - 1) ** 2 + x2**2
        "x1" : x1
        "x2" : x2
    return results

if __name__ == "__main__":
    wd = join(getcwd(), "examples", "pymoo_analytical_multiobj")

    problem = ProblemConstructor()
    problem.setResults({"f1": None, "f2": None, "x1": None, "x2": None})  # Results to be extracted from the simulation
    problem.setObjectives(["f1", "f2"])  # Objective expression
    problem.setContraints(["11*x1^2 - 11*x1 + 1", "-4*x1^2 + 4*x1 - 1",])  # Constraint expression
    problem.setBounds({"x1": (-2, 2), "x2": (-2, 2)})  # Lower and upper bounds

    optimizer = Optimizer(problem, simulator)
    xOpt, fOpt, dataOpt = optimizer.optimize(
        optimizerName="nsga3", termination=("n_eval", 1600), popSize=40

    ranker = Ranker(
        weights=(0.5, 0.5),
        constraintsRelaxation=[20, 20],
    dataRanked = ranker.rank(rankingName="simpleAdditive")

    print("Ranked results are: \n", dataRanked)

    visualizer = Visualization(dataRanked)
        savePath=join(wd, "scatter.html"),

Results is an interactive html image as below:



The library is in a very initial and exploratory stage. It is a personal way of learning and experimenting. The library is not ready for production. A class diagram is available in the docs folder. Please have a look before contributing.

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Road Map

The future of The Eng is very open and is open to changes and new ideas. Ideally, in the middle term, I envision:

  1. Implementation of a valid set of unit tests.
  2. Implementation of a more modern surrogate approach. For example, using expected improvement as an objective function to balance exploration and exploitation in the optimization phase.
  3. Make interface to FreeCAD more robust and professional. Interfaces to other software (also commercial) would be nice.
  4. Implementation of a more robust and complete mathematical expression parser for objective and constraint formulation. It should support parenthesis and a minimal set of basic math functions (e.g., sin, cos, min, max)
  5. Development of a UI. A desktop application written in PyQt is started but should be developed more intensively.
  6. ...

In the long term the goal would be to introduce parameterless techniques to generate and modify 3D geometries. This would allow to be independent of a parametric CAD program. Please contact me if you are interested in this, I'm happy to discuss ideas on this topc.


GNU GPLv3 with Commons Clause