
Lightweight Logging Library for Multi-Threading

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Lightweight Logging Library for Multi-Threading.

Screenshot of Trace Viewer

Screenshot of Trace Viewer

Getting Started

cd examples/mandelbrot
cd ../../
./run_viewer.bash examples/mandelbrot/mlog.txt

For more details about Mandelbrot example, see examples/mandelbrot/README.md.


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make check

Low-level API


typedef struct mlog_data { /* implementation defined */ } mlog_data_t;

Log buffering structure for a whole MassiveLogger environment.


void mlog_init(mlog_data_t* md, int num_ranks, size_t buf_size);


  • md : Pointer to a mlog_data_t variable at global scope.
  • num_ranks : The number of ranks (e.g., the number of workers/threads using MassiveLogger).
  • buf_size : The minimum unit of buffer memory size. The current implementation first allocates 2 * buf_size bytes of memory for each rank.


void* MLOG_BEGIN(mlog_data_t* md, int rank, ...);


  • md : Pointer to a mlog_data_t variable at global scope.
  • rank : e.g., worker ID or thread ID.
  • ... : Arguments to record.

Return value:

  • Pointer to the recorded data (begin_ptr). This should be passed to MLOG_END function.


void MLOG_END(mlog_data_t* md, int rank, void* begin_ptr, void* (*decoder)(FILE*, int, int, void*, void*), ...);


  • md : Pointer to a mlog_data_t variable at global scope.
  • rank : e.g., worker ID or thread ID.
  • begin_ptr : The return value of MLOG_BEGIN function.
  • decoder : Function pointer to a decorder function that transfers recorded data into formatted string. This is called when outputting recorded data to files. See below for more details.
  • ... : Arguments to record.

decoder should be defined as follows.

void* decoder(FILE* stream, int rank0, int rank1, void* buf0, void* buf1);


  • stream : File stream to write output.
  • rank0 : Who calls MLOG_BEGIN.
  • rank1 : Who calls MLOG_END.
  • buf0 : Pointer to the beginning of the recorded arguments in MLOG_BEGIN.
  • buf1 : Pointer to the beginning of the recorded arguments in MLOG_END.

Return value:

  • Pointer to the end of the recorded arguments in MLOG_END. You can use MLOG_READ_ARG macro to read args, and when you have read all recorded args, buf1 should be the return value.


void MLOG_PRINTF(mlog_data_t* md, int rank, char* format, ...);


  • md : Pointer to a mlog_data_t variable at global scope.
  • rank : e.g., worker ID or thread ID.
  • format : Format string (usually passed to printf function).
  • ... : Arguments to record.


  • Arguments passed to MLOG_PRINTF are not converted to string when MLOG_PRINTF is called. They are converted to string when mlog_flush is called.
  • Due to its implementation, type is more strict than printf. With printf, types of arguments are automatically converted (e.g., float is converted to double), but with MLOG_PRINTF, they are not converted. Therefore you should explicitly specify types in format and to arguments (see tests/printf_test.c).
  • This is different from the C standard, but you must use "%f" with float. If you want to record double value, you should use "%lf" specifier.
  • "%n" is not supported.
  • Currently variable field width * specifier (e.g., "%.*s") is not supported.


void mlog_flush(mlog_data_t* md, int rank, FILE* stream);


  • md : Pointer to a mlog_data_t variable at global scope.
  • rank : Logs in the end buffer of rank are flushed.
  • stream : Logs are written to stream.


void mlog_flush_all(mlog_data_t* md, FILE* stream);


  • md : Pointer to a mlog_data_t variable at global scope.
  • stream : All logs are written to stream.


#define MLOG_READ_ARG(/* void** */ buf, type) /* ... */


  • buf : Pointer to the buffer pointer. The buffer pointer is advanced by sizeof(type).
  • type: Type of the stored value.

Return value:

  • Value loaded from buffer.


void mlog_warmup(mlog_data_t* md, int rank);

Write some values to entire buffers to avoid page faults while recording.


  • md : Pointer to a mlog_data_t variable at global scope.
  • rank : e.g., worker ID or thread ID.


  • You should be aware of NUMA effect; that is, if the memory allocation policy is first-touch policy, buffers are allocated to a NUMA node where mlog_warmup() is called. If you warm-up all threads' buffers in the main thread, all of buffers are allocated to a single NUMA node, which causes performance degradation in NUMA environment.

High-level API


void* mlog_begin_tl(mlog_data_t* md, int rank);

rank and a timestamp (the return value of mlog_clock_gettime_in_nsec()) are recorded to the begin buffer.


  • md : Pointer to a mlog_data_t variable at global scope.
  • rank : e.g., worker ID or thread ID.

Return value:

  • A pointer to the recorded data (begin_ptr). This should be passed to mlog_end_tl function.


void mlog_end_tl(mlog_data_t* md, int rank, void* begin_ptr, char* event_name);

rank, a timestamp (the return value of mlog_clock_gettime_in_nsec()), and event_name are recorded to the end buffer.


  • md : Pointer to a mlog_data_t variable at global scope.
  • rank : e.g., worker ID or thread ID.
  • begin_ptr : The return value of mlog_begin_tl function.
  • event_name : Event name to be recorded.

Functions for Time Measurement


uint64_t mlog_gettimeofday_in_usec();

Return the value of gettimeofday in micro seconds.


uint64_t mlog_clock_gettime_in_nsec();

Return the value of clock_gettime in nano seconds. CLOCK_MONOTONIC option is specified to clock_gettime.


uint64_t mlog_rdtsc();

Return the value of rdtsc instruction.

Compilation Config

How to set flags:

#define MLOG_XXX 1
#include <mlog/mlog.h>


Disable checking the size of begin and end buffer with every log call (default: 0). Disabling the check may speed up the logging feature, but it can cause segmentation fault (unsafe).


Disable realloc of start and end buffer when buffers become full (default: 0). When this flag is set and buffers become full, the execution is aborted without resizing buffers. This prevents unconscious overheads with reallocation when measuring the performance.

Viewer Config

  • By default, the viewer is automatically terminated when the first web session is closed. We can make the server lifetime permanent by setting an environment variable MLOG_VIEWER_ONESHOT=false.

Illustration of Buffers


rank0          |           |           |
           ... |   arg1    |   arg2    |            ...
begin_buf      |           |           |
                     |                      buf1
                     |                       |
                     |                       v
rank1          |           |           |           |           |           |           |
           ... | begin_ptr |  decoder  |   arg1    |   arg2    |    ...    | begin_ptr | ...
end_buf        |           |           |           |           |           |           |


               |           |           |           |           |           |           |
end_buf    ... |   NULL    |  format   |   arg1    |   arg2    |    ...    |   NULL    | ...
               |           |           |           |           |           |           |


MassiveLogger is distributed under the 2-Clause BSD License. See LICENSE for further information.