
GraphQL pagination helper

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GraphQL pagination helper that makes it easy to get pagination response.

Support only MYSQL and POSTGRESQL databases with Sequelize and also MONGODB with Mongoose


npm install graphql-paginate


List of args Values

  • skip : Number
  • after : Any
  • before : Any
  • first : Number
  • last : Number
  • limit : number
  • _where : object
const pagination = require("graphql-paginate");
module.exports = async function getTransactions(parent, args, context) {
  const { db } = context;
  const { UserTransaction } = db;

  return pagination({
    model: UserTransaction,
    attribute: "id",
    orderBy: "DESC",

Response Schema (Sequelize)


  "pageInfo":  {
    "endCursor": 2,
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "hasPreviousPage": true,
    "startCursor": 1,
   "edges": Array [
      "cursor": 1,
      "node":  {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "user 1",
      "cursor": 2,
      "node":  {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "user 2",
  "totalCount": 5,