
Data package for LineageII

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Data package for LineageII. Contains original CHN C1 script files, splitted by entities, plus build system, which allows to integrate it to any IDE, which supports CMake files. Files are kept in UTF-8 encoding, which allows to have nice history view in git.


All script entities are original C1 files with fixes only (like typos in name IDs, removals of legacy items/npcs, etc). For other chronicles new branches will be created

L2DataPack in QtCreator IDE

Youtube presentation

  1. File fuzzy search
  2. Syntax hightlighting
  3. Code block folding
  4. UTF8 to UTF16 encoding
  5. AI merging + compilation
  6. File merging
  7. PCH compilation

Next steps

  1. Syntax hightlighting for all scripts, not AI only
  2. Extracting quests from AI scritps into separate questdata
  3. More precise file separation (e.g. separating weapons and armors by types, spell-boocks by chants/books/blueprints, etc)
  4. C4+ support

How to integrate L2DataPack in QtCreator IDE

  1. Download and install QtCreator
  2. Download and install CMake
  3. Download Ninja and copy it into C:\Windows32
  4. Download AI merger and NASC
  5. Download L2CC
  6. Copy ais.xml to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\QtProject\qtcreator\generic-highlighter\syntax\ais.xml
  7. Create DataPack Kit in QtCreator (Tools -> Options -> Kits) DataPack Kit click Apply and OK to close the window
  8. Clone this repo
    git clone https://github.com/master-toma/l2datapack.git
  9. Open <path>/l2datapack/CMakeLists.txt by File -> Open File Or Project
  10. Select DataPack kit, choose Default or Release and uncheck all other configurations Configuration
  11. Click Configure Project. First configuration will take some time
  12. Unselect Hide Generated Files, now you will see all targets for building scripts Hide Generated Files
  13. Setup tools (L2CC, NASC, AI Merger) Setup tools Optional: you can change output dir by changing DATA_PACK_OUTPUT_DIR as well here

That's it. Now you will be able to "build" script files by right-cliking on the "Hammer icon" and choosing Build <target name>, e.g.

build 1-basics
build 2-complex
build 3-ai

Those three commands will do full script deployment.