- 5
Exception occurred on startup
#6 opened - 1
Saving doesn't work, crashes randomly
#10 opened by aspen7002 - 0
black screen
#9 opened by orangemn6 - 0
Crash before start up
#8 opened by starcestus - 0
Issues with sound settings, expansion pack support, and graphical glitches.
#7 opened by superluigi018 - 0
[Feature Request] Support for Ion Fury
#5 opened by Searinox - 2
#3 opened by logcoder123 - 0
Hangs when saving in CIA Version, No Music in CIA Version (N3DS, 1.10.0-43E)
#4 opened by DavideCannonito - 1
CIA fails to start
#2 opened by PJ-Oscheh - 2
No audio on .cia version
#1 opened by eats7