Converts Numbers (including decimal points) into words. It also converts the numbers into words for currency.
- 1
Arabic Support
#1747 opened by Youssef9798 - 0
Request for `negative` instead of `minus`
#1689 opened by nikhilro - 4
name in currencyOptions not working
#1178 opened by anil-suthar - 0
Support for negative numbers
#1467 opened by hardiksondagar - 0
Currency Name/Symbol's position in words
#1411 opened by RenMen - 0
Currency Grammar
#1276 opened by eta1993 - 1
Getting NaN Error
#1206 opened by Kolajosh - 0
Bulgarian language support
#1199 opened by tedovn - 1
Arabic Support
#1164 opened by moneebalalfi - 4
Add support for Spanish
#417 opened by ajmas - 1
Locale Support
#1053 opened by PRASAD2049 - 1
Support for UAE currency Dirham
#1049 opened by fijinapdt - 2
Getting Error while compiling: '/to-words/src/types.ts (14,17): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'unknown''
#836 opened by kushagra-goenka - 2
Plural for fr-FR doesn't work
#728 opened by QuentinLemCode - 5
Pound and Euro currency required
#565 opened by chsagar236 - 0
Support for Latvian language (LV)
#735 opened by OskarsPakers - 0
Missing "and" after the hundredth place
#700 opened by tn-itconsultant - 3
In case of indian numbering system for 1100 converted currency showing thousand hundred instead of thousand one hundred.
#444 opened by shwethats - 2
How can i remove only?
#448 opened by vn93ksatria - 5
import { LocaleInterface } from './locale.interface'; > export declare class Locale implements LocaleInterface { | currency: { | name: string;
#59 opened by pendliforu - 2
Types files are missing from Typescript compilation
#209 opened by swarupe - 2
Add Support for Ghana Locale
#516 opened by wocodes - 2
Indian Numbering Systems
#89 opened by MohsenAlyafei - 2
Have a roadmap to reduce package size
#312 opened by adarshmadrecha - 2
- 2
[Feature Request]: Russian variant?
#395 opened by dalisoft - 11
MMK does n't support Crore (number in words)
#261 opened by kavuruchandini52 - 7
Myanmar Kyats(MMK) not supporting
#249 opened by kavuruchandini52 - 3
- 4
getting warning on build of code
#63 opened by gyannitrr1993 - 2
localeCode for 'en-MU' not working for me
#58 opened by gyannitrr1993 - 15
Need Support for localeCode
#55 opened by gyannitrr1993 - 2
both .2 and .02 returns same result
#1 opened by coresoft021 - 2
Passing 0 to the functions throws error.
#4 opened by ashish-param