Arcanis: The World of Shattered Empires
The Roleplaying Game
by Pedro Barrenechea, Henry Lopez, and Eric Wiener

The current core book that this application is base can be purchased here:

The Arcanis Character Sheet is a Node.js project.
The goal for using Node.js to allow for easier set up, but setting up a persistant store that does not require the storing of data in the code repositortity so I can take advantage of free hosting is not that simple.

To install Node.js follow the instrunction on

To install the dependencies:

npm install

The presistant store I have chosen is Redis.

To install Redis follow the instrunctions on

to start the server

$ node ./server/start 8888

to view the results


to send coments please email Edward Grant at with the subject "Character Sheet"

Create documentation on how to create the data.
Update the location the data comes form to be a Redis persistant store.
	create a mechinism for importing large amounts of data
	the client side code will continue to use JSON need to be able to pull data in a similar format
		This may lead to pulling less data on inital page load.
Move the saving and loading code to each table js so each table knows how to save its data and load it back.
Break up app.js so each segment has its own file and try to refactor to make the code more reuseable.
Saving to a local file and loading from a local file that contians json object
Selecting of Talents
		Advanced spells
	Weapon Tricks
	Martial Techniques
		Advanced Martial Techniques
Selecting Equipment
	Calculating bulk

	version 0.2.4
	The code to get and set the data in the Redis Persistant Store is crude but working( If you are reading this and would like to improve this please fork )
	Updated the documentation to represent my reasurch into how to host on Heroku for Free. This required the inclusion of a Persistant Store. Heroku does not allow for the use of the file system as a persistant store and the Data I do not want to put into the code repository. This is why I am adding Redis to the project.
	version 0.2.2
	More refactoring the modal for selecting attributes and skills from race use the same function to display.
	Selecting attributes from race complete.
	Started selecting languages from race have a dependancy on nation and region.
	version 0.2.1
	Added a package.JSON file to better maintain the dependencies.
	Updated the readme with diffrent install instrunction to take advantage of the package.JSON
	Allowed the server to listen to a user defined port

	version 0.2.0
	Did some refactoring of the code. Created a util folder where all functions that are not specfic to a given data type will be put. The goal here is to only have data processing in the data's function file and all other functions put in the util's function file to promote reusability.

	version 0.1.1
	Saving to a file
		All the currently supported items are serialized and saved to a file. As new items are added they will have to provide methods on how to save the data selected with them.
	Loading from a file
		The file io is complet but there is no processing of the file.

Creating the Data