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Primary LanguageHTML


This template is made to help start your project based on Webpack + TailwindCSS without too much complication while keeping best performance practices set up, so you dont have to worry about basics.


  1. To use this template, click "Use this template" green button in the top right.
  2. Install dependencies - npm install
  3. Configure where your views are in postcss.config.js.

npm tasks

  • npm start - runs webpack-dev-server on http://localhost:8080 and reloads on changes in src/
  • npm run build - build assets in production mode, minified, unused CSS classes purged
  • npm run build:dev - build assets in development mode, unminified (full TailwindCSS)

webpack setup includes

  • ES6 -> ES5 transpilation using babel with babel-preset-env
  • JS minification using terser-webpack-plugin
  • CSS extration using mini-css-extract-plugin
  • 3 character chunkhash added to chunks, but not to entry files
  • Prefetched chunk as an example
  • Example of naming chunks to know which chunk contains what (instead of numbers/hashes)

PostCSS setup includes

  • PurgeCSS configured with example of js files in src/ and liquid files in app/ and modules/ - only in webpack's production mode. In dev mode all classes available (732KB+ of them), but production build cleans CSS to contain only used ones (in my case ~2.5KB, most of it from normalize.css)
  • autoprefixer - Adding vendor prefixes, just in case. See package.json for browserslist config
  • postcss-csso - Minifying your css for you
  • postcss-import - Support for @imports - just like in SASS
  • postcss-fixes - Various fixes improving your CSS cross-browser compatibility

TailwindCSS setup includes

  • Official TailwindCSS Custom Forms plugin loaded
  • How to extend color palette
  • How to prefix your colors to not collide with default theme
  • How to set a different font as first in font family declaration
  • xxl breakpoint for responsive purposes
  • hover variant to borderWidth (allows you to change border width on element hover using TailwindCSS)


  • Images, fonts, etc. are not handled by webpack. I just put them into the dist directory in fonts/, img/.
  • Before you build using npm run build task, everything in app/assets/js and app/assets/css is removed to keep the deploys clean

Additional resources


1) Prepare sirv example with autoreload (update purgecss config) - DONE

2) Use webpack-dev-server instead of browsersync because of point 1 - DONE

  1. Test cacheGroups current setting, deeper

Happy coding!