Graduated in Psychology, expert in new technologies and communication. I'm working on "genuine" IoT and Interaction Design.
Pinned Repositories
This is the code of Arduino Biofeedback project on Instructables ( You can use this code for read the value of GSR, tem and heart bit, and print on LCD or visualyze it by using Processing. The code is under CCC licence.
This project use Arduino 101 Intel Curie for read the heart pulse and send the value to smartphone. I use the integrated Arduino 101 Bluethooth module, and a Pulse Sensor. See my tutorial on Instructables:
This code is part of Attiny85 EMF detector. You can see the tutorial on Instructable ( After the project has become "EMF PostCard Project" on
This project post the sensor data od Adafruit bmp085 on the clout by using the MQTT protocol. You can see the result on Cayenne Dashboard.
How many password do you have? How many social profile or cloud tools do you have? How many computer do you use in your week? Many of this computers are yours? Only you have access to this machines? No?
Make your Guess the Number game. The materials are: Arduino UNO and keypad shield
Sprite animation for led matrix WS based on Adafruit_NeoPixel, Adafruit_NeoMatrix, Adafruit_GFX Library.
This is a project that use a switch to shut down the Raspberry Pi system. Use the Python code to start shutdown procedure after the switch is switched on.
A server to use a little Thermal Printer from Adafruit
Simple server for WiFi101, ESP8266, or ESP32 boards compliant with Mozilla's proposed WoT API
masteruan's Repositories
This is the code of Arduino Biofeedback project on Instructables ( You can use this code for read the value of GSR, tem and heart bit, and print on LCD or visualyze it by using Processing. The code is under CCC licence.
Sprite animation for led matrix WS based on Adafruit_NeoPixel, Adafruit_NeoMatrix, Adafruit_GFX Library.
This code is part of Attiny85 EMF detector. You can see the tutorial on Instructable ( After the project has become "EMF PostCard Project" on
This project use Arduino 101 Intel Curie for read the heart pulse and send the value to smartphone. I use the integrated Arduino 101 Bluethooth module, and a Pulse Sensor. See my tutorial on Instructables:
Simple reader of analog raw signal. You can use Serial plotter visualization od Raduino IDE and connect the analog input to A0, A1, A2 etc.
This is the code of a robot that work on Arduino Mega and two simple motors. In the code is impolemented an LCD screen, a buzzer, and 4 IR sensor. Now I'jm working on a Ultrasound sensor by using the ping command, and a servomotor that point the ultasonic sensor in all of directions. See the project on 0lab.
I've added the WiFi manager module. You can connect the Arduino MKR1000 by using your smartphone.
This is one project for Cayenne Dashboard. You can read the value of STC-013 Amp sensor by using an Arduino MKR-1000 and put the value on the cloud. You can visualizing tha value by using the Cayenne Dashboard.
This is a little meteo station that register the Temp and Hum data, and sends its to Cayenn Dashboard. In the Cayenne Dashboard, you can modify the vusualization of data, and personalize the aspect of your application. See now
Move the Arduino based micro exapod robot ( by the pc or Mac keyboard.
This is a repo for using the piskel ( with Adafruit neopixel library and adafruit neopixel matrix.
Th code for a Neopixel led matrix. The Pix ( is a little RGB led matrix that use 64 ws 2012 leds. Like microcontroller I use an Arduino nano, and an external power supply support.