
The primary goal of this repository is to serve as a future reference when building applications with ReactJS and Redux.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains the projects built during, React the Complete Guide Including Redux course available on Udemy. This is a personal project created while following along with the course and is not affiliated with the actual course in any way. The primary goal of this repository is to serve as a future reference when building applications with ReactJS and Redux.

This repository is structured to have each course section within its own branch. Once a section is complete, then it will be merged back down into master. Because sections 1-3 focus on bootstraping the application, they will not have their own branch.


Section 3: Understanding the Base Features & Syntax

Section 4: Working with Lists and Conditionals

  • Rendering dynamic content conditionally in JSX
  • Handling dynamic content using "The JavaScript Way" in JSX
  • Rendering lists using JavaScript in JSX
  • Providing state to list items (callbacks, properties, etc.)
  • The importance of updating state immutably
  • How to provide keys to list components to optimize rendering state updates
  • Practice assignment
  • Helpful links:

Section 5: Styling React Components & Elements

Section 6: Debugging React Apps

Section 7: Diving Deeper into Components & React Internals

  • Component lifecycles
  • Stateless vs Stateful components
  • Performance gains using PureComponents and React.memo()
  • How React updates the component tree
  • Creating higher order components (HOCs) to wrap components
  • The empty <></> tag for returning non-nested elements in JSX
  • How to use setState() correctly when referencing previous state (avoid race conditions)
  • Validation props using prop-types
  • Using component references both externally and internally
  • Using React.createRef() to create a reference that can be set using the ref attribute on a component
  • Using the Context API for global state to avoid the number of properties to pass down (should be used sparingly)
  • Helpful links:

Section 8: A Real App: The Burger Builder (Basic Version)

  • How to plan the layout of a React application
  • How to plan the state of a React application
  • How to structure a React application
  • Implementing sidebards, backdrops, toolbars, dynamic components, controls, etc.