


% pip install csv2graph2web


% pip install git+https://github.com/mastnk/csv2graph2web


% git clone https://github.com/mastnk/csv2graph2web
% cd csv2grap2web
% pip install .


% pip uninstall csv2graph2web

Setup the webserver

Direct setup via scp

% cgw_copy --server yourhost.com --port 22 --login_name yourname --dir www/cgw
  • server specify your host server name.

  • port port for ssh (defulat: 22).

  • login_name specify your login name for the host server.

  • dir specify the directory which you want to install on the host sever.

Get cgi file

% cgw_copy
% ls -l

Then, you can find the cgi file cgw.cgi and the directory graphs. Please upload those two to your web server.

Example code

% cgw_copy
% ls -l

Then, you can find the cgi file cgw.cgi and the directory graphs. Please upload those two to your web server.

Example code

from csv2graph2web import csv2graph2web as cgw

URL = '' # specify the URL for the cgw.cgi

csv_filename = 'a.csv'    
line = 'epoch, loss, acc, val_loss, val_acc'
with open( csv_filename, 'w' ) as fout:
    fout.write( line + '\n' )

graph_params = []
opt = {'xlabel':'Epoch', 'legend':True}

opt['title'] = 'acc'
graph_params.append( ([('epoch', 'acc'), ('epoch', 'val_acc')], opt.copy()) )
opt['title'] = 'loss'
graph_params.append( ([('epoch', 'loss'), ('epoch', 'val_loss')], opt.copy()) )	

for epoch in range(300):
    # some processes
    # dummy code
    loss = epoch
    acc = epoch / 300
    val_loss = loss * 0.9
    val_acc = acc * 0.9
    # dummy code

    if( epoch % 10 ):
        line = '{}, {}, {}, {}, {}'.format( epoch, loss, acc, val_loss, val_acc )
        with open( csv_filename, 'a' ) as fout:
            fout.write( line + '\n' )
            cgw.csv2graph2web( URL=URL, dir_name='tmp', csv_filename=csv_filename, graph_params=graph_params )
Then, you can see the graphs in the *URL*.



It generate the cgi for the web server.

% cgw_copy -h


csv2graph2web( URL, dir_name, csv_filename, graph_params ) -> None

  • URL

    The url which represents the cgw.cgi. You can also check the graphs from this URL.

  • dir_name

    The title of graphs. It appears in the html.

  • csv_filename

  • graph_params

    graph_params = [ list_params, opt ]

    • list_params

      list_params = [(x0,y0), (x1,y1), ...]

      xn: The index of x axis

      yn: The index of y axis

    • opt dictionary of the options: title, xlabel, ylabel