
Feature "Spot intensity" calculation error

Closed this issue · 17 comments

Spot intensity calculation error

I analyze a two-channel dataset (20 timepoints, 3D images 20x1024x1024) with Mastodon (Fiji v1.53o, everything updated). It works fine to extract spots and links. But when I run "compute features" I get a java error for feature "Spot intensity" and only for this feature.

Exception in thread "Feature computation thread" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 76
at org.mastodon.feature.DefaultFeatureComputerService.compute(
at org.mastodon.mamut.feature.MamutFeatureComputerService.compute(
at org.mastodon.mamut.MamutFeatureComputation$MyFeatureComputerService.compute(
at org.mastodon.feature.ui.FeatureComputationController$

I did analyze a few other dataset earlier whithout getting this error. Were there some changes in the feature calculation part recently?

Hello @drchrisch

Not super recently this is suspect.

Can share the image and the files?

Sharing image is a bit difficult, I could send a link to the mastodon file.
The procedure is a follows: I load the two-channel bdv image set, run tracking detection and linking on channel 1, start feature computation, then I (without reloading) repeat tracking and linking but now on channel 2, feature computation then gives the error just as shown above.

Ok I will try to reproduce. Thanks for the procedure.

Hello @drchrisch
Well I could not reproduce with a 2-channel image I have at hand. I would need the image, or even a portion of it small enough to reproduce the error. If it is very big you can use our FEX instance to send it to me (see your PMs).

Well, 200 MB is not that small. Sorry, silly question, but how does this FEX works and how do I restrict access to the data?

@drchrisch Thank you for the data.
I could open it and test Mastodon with it.
But I could not reproduce the error. When I start from scratch and do detection with sensible parameters, I have no bug. When I try to compute features on your Mastodon file, again I have no error.
So I have to ask, what is the version of mastodon you use?

That's really weird, but matches expectation. I had this problem on two computers (Windows) with

Ok we run the same. Can you give me the parameters with which you run the detection and linking steps?

DoG (diameter 4.0, threshold 100), simple LAP (15, 15, 2) (there should be a *.mastodon file as well?).

Yes. And the mastodon file does not give an error :)
this is interesting.

Yes I got the bug! On the 2nd channel results.

Cool! It's all in the data, right?

Could you try to replace the core mastodon .jar file in your by this one?

Great, looks conving. Many thanks!

So the bug is fixed? If yes I will do a release but not immediately.

Yes, solved. That's it for me and I will close the issue.