
Simple card game with GUI made using JavaFX (a project for Object-Oriented Programming course)

Primary LanguageJava

IF2210 Avatar Duel Group 9

Code Structure

  1. package : written at the beginning of writing codes, which encapsulate a group of classes, sub packages and interfaces, ended with semicolon (;).
  2. class : written under package(s), is a blueprint or prototype of object, started and ended with curly brackets public class AvatarDuel {..}
  3. main : part of the code that'll run. public static void main( String[ ] args ) {...}

How to Compile and Run

Here is an example of project using gradle as the build tools. Try running these commands:

./gradlew run

You will notice that it will open a window that display 'Avatar Duel'. In the command line you can see the data that is being read by CSVReader.java

What happen is when you use ./gradlew run, it will start the main function in your app. For this app, the main function lives in AvatarDuel.java.

You can explore more about gradle here


All images and description are taken from Avatar Wikia

Screenshots of Application