
Edit host_vars/yml.files and set variables.

Install sudo, create user and place user authkey and give that

user sudo right.

  1. Run "ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts user.yml --ask-become-pass"

Install some common packages

  1. Run "ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts common_packages.yml"

Install ansible on node.

  1. Run "scp user@host:/tmp"

Install jenkins. Keep jenkins service enabled and keep running.

  1. Run "ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts jenkins_install.yml"

Install lxd and setup couple of lxd container used as to be container

  1. Run "ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts lxd_install.yml"

Bootstrap lxd

  1. Run "lxd init" and complete steps

Install packer in jenkins host

  1. Run "ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts packer_install.yml"

Download packer-template from git in jenkins host and follow steps.

  1. Run "git clone"

Initial jenkins

  1. Browse http://<jenkins_server_ip>:8080 and follow steps. Initial password will be in here "/var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword"



You might need to install git and openjdk-8-jdk on lxd nodes.