
Additional results on Atwood (2022)

Primary LanguageStata

This repository contains Stata .do files and an R script for the additional results from my comment on "The Long-Term Effects of Measles Vaccination on Earnings and Employment", Atwood (2022).

To combine my code with the data, first download this repository, then download the original replication package and extract the folder 'Replication_Files' to the directory 'data/'. This requires signing up for an ICPSR account. You also need to download the ACS data (Ruggles et al. 2023); see IPUMS instructions below. This requires signing up for an IPUMS account.

To rerun the analyses, run the file run.do using Stata (version 15) and the file splines.r using R. Note that you need to set the path in run.do on line 2, to define the location of the folder that contains this README; you also need to set the path in splines.r on line 8.

Required Stata packages are included in 'code/libraries/stata/', so that the user does not have to download anything and the replication can be run offline. The file code/_config.do tells Stata to load packages from this location. Figures and tables are saved in 'output/'; that directory is created by code/_config.do. It helps to close web browsers to free up memory.

IPUMS instructions:

  • Samples:
    2017 ACS 5yr
    2012 ACS 5yr
    2007 ACS 3yr
    2000-2004 ACS
    1990: 5% state
    1980: 5% state
    1970: 1% state fm1 and 1% state fm2
    1960: 5%

  • Variables:
    Household -> Technical: CPI99
    Household -> Geographic: REGION, STATEFIP
    Person -> Demographic: SEX, AGE, BIRTHYR
    Person -> Race, ethnicity, and nativity: RACE, BPL
    Person -> Education: EDUC
    Person -> Income: FTOTINC, INCWAGE, POVERTY

  • Case selections:
    AGE: 25-60
    RACE: 1-2
    BPL: 001-056

Save the data and .do files to 'data/', and name them usa_00003.dat and usa_00003.do.