
Convert subtitles in MKV file to VobSub and mux them to new MKV file with tracks of the original file

Primary LanguagePython

MKV Subtitle Converter

Convert subtitles in MKV file to VobSub and mux them to new MKV file with tracks of the original file



  1. Install requirements listed above
  2. git clone https://github.com/maszaa/mkv-subtitle-converter.git
  3. python3 -m venv <venv-name/path>
  4. source <venv-name/path>/bin/activate
  5. cd mkv-subtitle-converter
  6. pip install -r requirements.txt


Configuration is at src/configuration.py. You can override all variables in src/local_configuration.py which is gitignored.


(asuming current directory is repository root)

python src/main.py <mkv-files-source-path>

The Python script will recursively go through all files and sub directories starting from <mkv-files-source-path>. You can exclude paths and files by providing EXCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS in src/local_configuration.py.

For example:

  "Music videos"

Patterns are case sensitive.