
Backup site files and database, and set the number of days to retain, sync to dropbox.

Primary LanguageShell


Author: Everright.Chen Email: everright.chen@gmail.com Web: http://www.everright.cn

Backup site files and database, and set the number of days to retain, sync to dropbox.

How to configure and use

Default working directory of this manual can be modify.


Please visit this page to view detailed configuration process.


Create new account

Click here to open the Dropbox registration page, enter a name, password, email to complete the registration.

Setup Dropbox client

After registration is complete, you will jump to the Dropbox download page to download the the Dropbox client installation program to install.

Apply developers API

Open the developers page https://www.dropbox.com/developers, Click "My Apps" on the left to enter the apps list, create a new app, then get the App key and the App secret.

Dropbox Uploader

Dropbox Uploader is a BASH script which can be used to upload, download, delete or list files from Dropbox, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service.


curl -o dropbox_uploader.tar.gz https://nodeload.github.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader/tar.gz/master
tar xvzf dropbox_uploader.tar.gz
mv Dropbox-Uploader-master/dropbox_uploader.sh ./
rm -rf Dropbox-Uploader-master dropbox_uploader.tar.gz

Initial configuration

chmod a+x dropbox_uploader.sh


# App key:
# App secret:
# Access level you have chosen, App folder or Full Dropbox [a/f]:
> Access token
Setup completed!

Dropbox Uploader configuration file will be save in "~/.dropbox_uploader"



curl -o erBackup.tar.gz https://github.com/everright/erBashBackupSyncToDropbox/archive/master.tar.gz
tar xvzf erBackup.tar.gz
mv erBashBackupSyncToDropbox/erBackup.sh ./
rm -rf erBashBackupSyncToDropbox erBackup.tar.gz


chmod a+x erBackup.sh

Edit the bash file, and replace these settings

EMAIL_TO="everright.chen@gmail.com" #Your e-mail address, multiple separated by commas
DROPBOX_DIR="" #Dropbox storage folder, left blank is /
DROPBOX_UPLOADER="/test/dropbox/dropbox_uploader.sh" #Dropbox Uploader bash script
BACKUP_SRC="/test/dropbox/files /test/dropbox/test.sh" #Backup files and folders, multiple separated by a space
BACKUP_DST="/test/dropbox/backup" #Local storage backup folder
MYSQL_SERVER="localhost" #MySQL Host
MYSQL_USER="mysqluser" #MySQL Username
MYSQL_PASS="userpassword" #MySQL Password
MYSQL_DUMP="/usr/local/mysql5.5.10/bin/mysqldump" #mysqldump command
DATABASES="wp_everright wp_everright_cn" #Backup databases, multiple separated by a space
LIMIT_DAYS=7 #The number of days to retain the backup files


crontab -e 
0 0 * * * /bin/bash /home/backup/erBackup.sh&