The Author HomePage has been down.I will fix some bugs for this project.
Cover by Nash-x9.
Hope Author could come back soon.
- Wnmp 3.1.0
Nginx 1.13.4
MariaDB 10.2.7
PHP 7.1.8 (Non Thread Safe + FastCGI)
phpMyAdmin 4.7.3
- Windows Vista/Server 2008 x64 or higher version
- Requires Administator Rights
- Visual Studio C++ 2017 (x64) Redistributable
- .NET Framework 4
- To install download the latest version of Wnmp here (latest version 3.1.0)
- Then open Wnmp.exe and install it anywhere.
- And then run Wnmp.exe(which is located in the Wnmp folder)
- And then press the Start all button.
- And that's it, enjoy Wnmp!
The Username and Password for MariaDB is: user: root password: password (I recommend changing the password)
You should change $cfg['blowfish_secret'] in in the phpmyadmin folder for added security.
The SSL Certificate is now generated by Wnmp using VigorTLS. (Now Secure!)
All donations are appreciated no matter if big or small. Note: there are many different ways of contributing to Wnmp that are listed here
If you do please tell us your suggestions here.