Web application that displays tweets about Coke.
The following instruction have only been executed on Mac OS X.
The following software is needed to execute this application:
- Python 2.6
- virtualenv
- virtualenvwrapper
We deploy this application into it's own virtual environment therefore you will need to do the same. Install & Activate the virtualenv (this assumes you are in the root of the application folder using a cli):
easy_install virtualenv
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
cd ~/.virtualenvs
virtualenv adaptivelab
source ~/.virtualenvs/adaptivelab/bin/activate
This assumes you are in the root of the application folder using cli:
cd src
while read line; do easy_install -ZU $line; done < install-requires.txt
while read line; do easy_install -ZU $line; done < install-test-requires.txt
Execute the following to get the application up and running (assumes you are in the root of the project):
cd src/adaptivelab
python setup.py develop
python manage.py syncdb
python manage.py runserver
This assumes you are in the root of the project:
cd src/adaptivelab
python setup.py develop
python manage.py test coke.IndexPageTest
The database is put into a temporary folder that is printed to the console when the application is started using python manage.py runserver. Using sqlite3 you can then query the table coke_tweet to see the data captured.