
Technical Test for Adaptive Lab

Primary LanguagePython

Adaptive Lab's Technical Test


Web application that displays tweets about Coke.

The following instruction have only been executed on Mac OS X.



The following software is needed to execute this application:

Python Virtual Environment

We deploy this application into it's own virtual environment therefore you will need to do the same. Install & Activate the virtualenv (this assumes you are in the root of the application folder using a cli):

    easy_install virtualenv
    mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
    cd ~/.virtualenvs
    virtualenv adaptivelab
    source ~/.virtualenvs/adaptivelab/bin/activate

Install Python Packages

This assumes you are in the root of the application folder using cli:

    cd src
    while read line; do easy_install -ZU $line; done < install-requires.txt
    while read line; do easy_install -ZU $line; done < install-test-requires.txt

Running Application

Execute the following to get the application up and running (assumes you are in the root of the project):

    cd src/adaptivelab
    python setup.py develop
    python manage.py syncdb
    python manage.py runserver

Running Unit Tests

This assumes you are in the root of the project:

    cd src/adaptivelab
    python setup.py develop
    python manage.py test coke.IndexPageTest


The database is put into a temporary folder that is printed to the console when the application is started using python manage.py runserver. Using sqlite3 you can then query the table coke_tweet to see the data captured.