
Primary LanguageJavaScript

  • theme will be heavily influenced by stack overflow
  • Im using docker to containerise the application
  • if you're not using docker
    • just do npm run start, and it should run on port 1975
    • mongodb has to be installed and the login script has to be changed to reflect the mongodb instance (includes/model.ts#11)
  • if you are using docker
    • to install just do docker-compose up and it should run on localhost:2000
    • no mongodb install is necessary as a second docker container (with default credentials) is going to be made and house all the app data
  • this setup is way overpowered just to do a simple message app, but i want to get the point across of what i can do
    • i am using typescript and hbs for the backend
    • scss (compiled to css) and mongodb for the frontend

The App

working with TS & mongoose

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