
Compiler of a simple imperative language, final project for 'Formal Languages and Translation Techniques' course.

Primary LanguagePython


Compiler of a simple imperative language, created as final project for 'Formal Languages and Translation Techniques' course.

Language`s grammar

program       -> DECLARE declarations BEGIN commands END
            | BEGIN commands END

declarations  -> declarations, pidentifier
            | declarations, pidentifier(num:num)
            | pidentifier
            | pidentifier(num:num)

commands      -> commands command
            | command

command       -> identifier ASSIGN expression;
            | IF condition THEN commands ELSE commands ENDIF
            | IF condition THEN commands ENDIF
            | WHILE condition DO commands ENDWHILE
            | DO commands WHILE condition ENDDO
            | FOR pidentifier FROM value TO value DO commands ENDFOR
            | FOR pidentifier FROM value DOWNTO value DO commands ENDFOR
            | READ identifier;
            | WRITE value;

expression    -> value
            | value PLUS value
            | value MINUS value
            | value TIMES value
            | value DIV value
            | value MOD value

condition     -> value EQ value
            | value NEQ value
            | value LE value
            | value GE value
            | value LEQ value
            | value GEQ value

value         -> num
            | identifier

identifier    -> pidentifier
            | pidentifier(pidentifier)
            | pidentifier(num)

Virtual machine & examples

Virtual machine and examples can be found in this zip file. More tests are available here.


Python version: 3.7

pip install pipenv
pipenv install


python compiler/main.py input_file output_file