
📝 An universal TypeScript library for handing Apple's Property Lists. Supports binary, text and XML plists; works well in both browser and node.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptBSD 3-Clause Clear LicenseBSD-3-Clause-Clear


An universal TypeScript library for handing Apple's Property Lists. Supports binary, text and XML plists; works well in both browser and node.

workflow npm npm NPM


@plist/* adapts code, logic and test cases from:

I've decided to proceed with creating new libraries, instead of using those packages as dependencies, since it was necessary to modify the upstream code to remove reliance on node-only packages (mainly fs) and this would be too much of a change for anyone relying on the aforementioned libraries.

This library differs from other plist-related JavaScript libraries:

  • works on binary, text (OpenStep/NEXTStep), and XML plists
  • works in both node.js and browser environments (ArrayBuffer instead of Buffer, no usage of fs or other node-only libraries)


@plist/plist is available on npm, you can install it with either npm or yarn:

npm install @plist/plist
# or:
yarn install @plist/plist


import { parse, serialize } from '@plist/plist';

parse(serialize({ hello: 'world' })); // => { hello: 'world' }


This library relies on (relatively) new JavaScript features such as BigInt.

Therefore, without polyfills, those are the minimum browser and node/deno versions @plist/plist will work in:

Environment Version
Chrome/Chromium 67+
Edge 79+
Firefox 100+
Internet Explorer Not supported
Opera 54+
Safari 14.1+ (iOS 14.1+, macOS 11.1+)
Deno 1.0+
node.js 16.5.0+