
A streaming platform that utilizes RTMP, HTTP-FLV protocol to enable live streaming and VOD streaming

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • StreamIT, the streaming platform for both streamers and viewers.
  • Streamers, welcome to showcase yourself in diverse categories and contents.
  • Viewers, just sit back, relax, get entertained after a weary work day or interact with your favourite streamer.
  • Start streaming today and be the next billionaire streamer in 2020!

Website URL: https://streamit.website

Test Account

Email: yuyan@mail.com
Password: yuyan.123#

Test Credit Card

Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiry Data: Any number
CVC: Any number
Post no.: Any number

Table of Contents



  • AWS EC2
  • Node.js
  • Express.js


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • EJS

Cloud Services (AWS)

  • AWS S3
  • AWS Cloudfront


  • MySQL


  • Streaming Server: Node Media Server
  • Streaming Protocol: RTMP & HTTP-flv
  • Network Redirecting: Nginx


  • Media conversion: FFmpeg
  • Test: Mocha, Chai


  • Payment/Donation: Stripe SDK


Database Schema

Main Features

  • Streaming:
    • Stream and create your own live content to entertain others
  • Video on Demand (VOD):
    • VOD is uploaded immediately after every stream ends
  • Follow Feature:
    • Follow your favourite streamer and get informed if they are online on the sidebar
  • Donate Feature:
    • Support your favourite streamer by donating to them
  • Chatroom:
    • Interact with your favourite streamer via live chat

Streaming Demo

  1. Sign up and create an account
  2. Click on member icon and go to profile page to acquire stream key
  3. Copy stream key
  4. Install OBS and open up OBS
  5. Set up Camera and streaming settings
  6. Open settings, click on stream tab, select custom for service, type in stream key and set streaming server url to rtmp://streamit.website:1935/live
  7. Happy streaming

Video Pipeline for VOD And Live Streaming

Server Bandwidth Usage Analysis with/without CDN

Media Server Specs (AWS EC2):

OS:	 x64_linux_4.14.181-142.260.amzn2.x86_64
CPU:	 1 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3     @ 2.40GHz
Memory:	 983 MB
Node.js: v14.5.0

Start of Node Media Server - 0 Viewer

- 0 HTTP request
- Server output bandwidth = 6 mbps.

Node Media Server without AWS Cloudfront(CDN) - 25 Viewers

- 25 HTTP requests (1 request for every viewer)
- Server output bandwidth = 200+ mbps.

Node Media Server with AWS Cloudfront(CDN) - 25 Viewers

- 1 HTTP requests 
- Server bandwidth = stable 10 mbps.


  • As we can see from the bandwidth usage, without using CDN all viewer will request video from server thus increasing server burden on uploading bandwidth.
  • By using AWS Cloudfront(CDN), it effectively reduced server bandwidth by making only one request to server and serve them through it's own CDN servers.


Email: xtremeboost92@gmail.com