
Less popular Spring tricks: no Hibernate, projections, rest repo, events, AOP

Primary LanguageJava

Less popular Spring tricks: no Hibernate, rest repo, projections

Typical Spring project

  • JPA (usually Hibernate ORM), @Entity classes here and there, Flyway for DB migrations
  • Spring Data - SQL for above classes; especially JpaRepository
  • Entity-DTO mapping, usually done by hand
  • @Controller or @RestController exposing DTOs

This project

  • Still with Flyway
  • Still with Spring Data
  • No JPA, no "manual" mappings, fancy REST (HATEOAS)
  • And MOAR!


Presentation with no slides? OK...

But no memes?

observe meme

Who am I?


Who are they?

  • Rod Johnson - PhD in 19th-century piano music
  • Adrian Colyer - pioneer of Aspect-oriented programming tools