
Server-side rendering from basic React through Hypernova to Serverless

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Server-side rendering - micro-frontends

Presentation: Server-side rendered micro-frontends on AWS Lambda [slides]

  1. react-ssr - standard React + Express example. No next.js

  2. hypernova - AirBnB Hypernova for a simple React app (similar to the previous example)

  3. hypernova-graphql - ambitious example with Apollo GraphQL and React. Consuming The Rick and Morty API

    Article which inspired me: Server Side Rendering for React + Apollo GraphQL Client

  4. hypernova-micro - both React and Vue, full micro-frontends

    Great articles in the topic: Micro Frontends, Micro-frontends using Vue.js, React.js, and Hypernova

  5. serverless - all the previous things combined with Serverless. FaaS FTW!

    Article which inspired me: Serverless Micro-frontends using Vue.js, AWS Lambda, and Hypernova

    Just 1 .gitignore for all the things!

    No monorepo, because I don't know it. Contributors are welcome :D