
🗃️ Display only a set of apps and models in the Django Admin homepage, based on the chosen context.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python Compatibility PyPi Version CI badge codecov License

Display only a set of apps and models in the Django Admin homepage, based on the chosen context. This is useful when you have a lot of apps and models and you want to focus on a specific set of them.

Demo: selecting a context to dsiplay only a subset of models


Via pip command:

pip install django-admin-contexts

...or you can clone the repo and install it using pip too:

git clone git://github.com/matagus/django-admin-contexts.git
cd django-admin-contexts
pip install -e .

then add django_admin_contexts to your settings.py before django.contrib.admin:

    # ...
    # ...
    # ...

then run the migrations:

python manage.py migrate


Browse to the Django Admin and create some contexts in the "Django Admin Contexts" section, associating them with one or more models.

Then, you can see the contexts in the Django Admin homepage.


Contributions are welcome! ❤️

Please read Contributing.md for detailed instructions on how to help.

Running Tests

hatch run test:test will run the tests in every Python + Django versions combination.

hatch run test.py3.12-5.0:test will run them for python 3.12 and Django 5.0. Please see possible combinations using hatch env show` ("test" matrix).


django-admin-contexts is released under an BSD License - see the LICENSE file for more information.


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