
EuroPython Conference Website

Primary LanguageCSSBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Documentation Status


This project (and its dependencies) contains the EuroPython website source code.

The code is used for the EuroPython 2018 website.


As a general rule, the whole website code is copyrighted by the Python Italia non-profit association, and released under the 2-clause BSD license (see LICENSE.bsd).

Some CSS files (within directories p3/static/p4/s and p3/static/p5/s) are instead explicitly marked as non-free; those files implement the current EuroPython website design and Python Italia wants to keep full rights on it. They are still published on GitHub as a reference for implementing a new design.

You are thus welcome to fork away and reuse/enhance this project, as long as you use it to publish a website with a new design (without reusing the current EuroPython design).


Run provision.sh. Read it for more details.

Edit pycon/settings_locale.py to your taste!

python manage.py runserver


DEBUG=True python manage.py runserver


  1. Make a fork of github.com/europython/epcon
  2. Make changes in your fork (ideally on a feature/bugfix branch)
  3. Make sure your branch is based on latest upstream/dev/ep2018 (provision.sh adds europython/epcon as upstream)
  4. Push your changes.
  5. Create a pull request to europython/epcon, targeting dev/ep2018 branch.

IMPORTANT: all the active development happens on the dev/ep2018 branch, master is not up to date.