
Multi-platform C++ library for reading and writing NPY and NPZ files, with an additional .NET interface

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


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libnpy is a multi-platform C++ library for reading and writing NPY and NPZ files, with an additional .NET interface. It was built with the intention of making it easier for multi-language projects to use NPZ and NPY files for data storage, given their simplicity and support across most Python deep learning frameworks.

The implementations in this library are based upon the following file format documents:

Getting Started

There are two main ways to use the library: as a statically linked C++ library, and as a .NET DLL (on Windows using Visual Studio). In this guide we will walk through how to compile the library and run the tests on our currently supported platforms. These directions will likely work for other platforms as well (the codebase is written to be clean, portable C++ 11). If you have problems on your platform, please raise it as an issue.

Ubuntu 18.04 [gcc 7.3.0], Ubuntu 16.04 [gcc 5.4.0]

First, install all of the necessary dependencies:

sudo apt-get install git cmake build-essential

If you want to build the documentation, you will also need:

sudo apt-get install doxygen

You may also find that cmake is easier to use via the curses GUI:

sudo apt-get install cmake-curses-gui

Once everything is in place, you can clone the repository and generate the makefiles:

git clone https://github.com/matajoh/libnpy.git
mkdir libnpy/build
cd libnpy/build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

Your other build options are Release and RelWithDebInfo.

Windows 10

On Windows, you can download and install the dependencies from the following locations:

Install CMake

Download and run e.g. v3.19/cmake-3.19.0-win64-x64.msi from https://cmake.org/files/.

Install git and Visual Studio.

Get the latest Windows git from https://git-scm.com/downloads. Download a version of Visual Studio from https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/. You will need the C++ compiler (and C# compiler if needed).

Install SWIG (optional, only for C#)

Browse to http://swig.org/download.html and download the latest version of swigwin. Unzip the directory and copy it to your C:\ drive. Add (e.g.) C:\swigwin-4.0.2 to your PATH. CMake should then find swig automatically.

Download and install Doxygen (optional)

If you want to build the documentation, you should also download Doxygen.

Generate MSBuild

Now that everything is ready, cmake can generate the MSBuild files necessary for the project. Run the following commands in a command prompt once you have navigated to your desired source code folder:

git clone https://github.com/matajoh/libnpy.git
mkdir libnpy\build
cd libnpy\build
cmake ..

If building the C# library, you will also need to do the following:

cmake --build . --target NumpyIONative
cmake ..

The reason for the above is that SWIG autogenerates the C# files for the interface in the first pass, after which CMake needs to scan the generated directory to build the wrapper library.

Build and Test

You are now able to build the test the library. Doing so is the same regardless of your platform. First, navigate to the build folder you created above. Then run the following commands:

cmake --build . --config <CONFIG>

Where <CONFIG> is one of Release|Debug|RelWithDebInfo. This will build the project, including the tests and (if selected) the documentation. You can then do the following:

ctest -C <CONFIG>

Where again you replace <CONFIG> as above will run all of the tests. If you want to install the library, run:

cmake --build . --config <CONFIG> --target INSTALL

Sample code

Once the library has been built and installed, you can begin to use it in your code. We have provided some sample programs (and naturally the tests as well) which show how to use the library, but the basic concepts are as follows. For the purpose of this sample code we will use the built-in tensor class, but you should use your own tensor class as appropriate.

#include "tensor.h"
#include "npy.h"
#include "npz.h"

    // create a tensor object
    std::vector<size_t> shape({32, 32, 3});
    npy::tensor<std::uint8_t> color(shape);

    // fill it with some data
    for (int row = 0; row < color.shape(0); ++row)
        for (int col = 0; col < color.shape(1); ++col)
            color(row, col, 0) = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(row << 3);
            color(row, col, 1) = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(col << 3);
            color(row, col, 2) = 128;

    // save it to disk as an NPY file
    npy::save("color.npy", color);

    // we can manually set the endianness to use
    npy::save("color.npy", color, npy::endian_t::BIG);

    // the built-in tensor class also has a save method

    // we can peek at the header of the file
    npy::header_info header = npy::peek("color.npy");

    // we can load it back the same way
    color = npy::load<std::uint8_t, npy::tensor>("color.npy");

    // let's create a second tensor as well
    shape = {32, 32};
    npy::tensor<float> gray(shape);

    for (int row = 0; row < gray.shape(0); ++row)
        for (int col = 0; col < gray.shape(1); ++col)
            gray(row, col) = 0.21f * color(row, col, 0) +
                             0.72f * color(row, col, 1) +
                             0.07f * color(row, col, 2);

    // we can write them to an NPZ file
        npy::onpzstream output("test.npz");
        output.write("color.npy", color);
        output.write("gray.npy", gray);

    // and we can read them back out again
        npy::inpzstream input("test.npz");

        // we can test to see if the archive contains a file
        if (input.contains("color.npy"))
            // and peek at its header
            header = input.peek("color.npy");

        color = input.read<std::uint8_t>("color.npy");
        gray = input.read<float>("gray.npy");

The generated documentation contains more details on all of the functionality. We hope you find that the library fulfills your needs and is easy to use, but if you have any difficulties please create issues so the maintainers can make the library even better. Thanks!