Memory Card Game - Pokémon Edition

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The Memory Card Game - Pokémon Edition is an engaging web-based game built using React, TypeScript, and styled with Tailwind CSS. In this game, players are presented with a grid of Pokémon cards, and their objective is to uncover all the cards without clicking the same card twice during a set number of turns. After each turn, the cards are shuffled and repositioned, challenging players to exercise their memory and strategy skills while enjoying a Pokémon-themed experience.


  • Pokémon Cards: The game features Pokémon card images fetched from the PokeAPI, offering a wide array of Pokémon to uncover.

  • Turn-Based Gameplay: Players have a limited number of turns to uncover all the cards without clicking the same card twice.

  • Card Shuffling: After each turn, the cards are shuffled and repositioned, increasing the challenge.

  • Move Counter: The game keeps track of the number of moves taken to uncover all the cards.

  • Responsive Design: The game is designed for playability on both desktop and mobile devices.

Technologies Used

  • React: The core framework for building the game's user interface.

  • TypeScript: Enhances code quality and helps prevent runtime errors.

  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for responsive and visually appealing styling.

  • PokeAPI: Used to fetch Pokémon images for the game cards.

Getting Started

To play the Memory Card Game - Pokémon Edition, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

  2. Navigate to the project directory.

  3. Install the required dependencies with npm install.

  4. Start the development server using npm run dev.