
a unity plugin for AppsFlyer SDK

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Integrating AppsFlyer iOS Plugin (v2.5.3.9)

Installation instruction for the AppsFlyer's plugin:

  1. Copy the Assets folder from AppsFlyer's Unity plugin to your Unity project.

  2. Open /Assets/Editor/PostprocessBuildPlayer and set your AppsFlyer's code and Apple app ID. my $APPS_FLYER_KEY = "PLACE YOUR KEY HERE"; my $APPLE_ID = "YOUR APPLE APP ID";

  3. Build the project for iOS.

  4. Open Xcode and add the AdSupport framework to your project:

    4.1 In the project navigator select the root.

    4.2 Chose the unity target

    4.3 Go to the "Build Phase"

    4.4 Expand "Link Binary With Libraries"

    4.5 Click the "+" at the bottom and add the "AdSupport" framework.

    4.6 (Optional) If you need to track iAd attributions, Click the "+" at the bottom and add the "iAd" framework.

  • If you would like the libraries to be automatically added when building for iOS, copy the file PostprocessBuildPlayer_iOSFrameworks from the iOS Extras folder and put it in the <YOUR PROJECT ROOT>/Assets/Editor folder.

  • Next, get the mod_pbxproj.py script available here and copy it into the Editor directory as well. The libraries will now be added automatically during the build.

Please refer to section 6 at the iOS SDK integration guide for in-app event API documentation.


Testing SDK integration: http://support.appsflyer.com/entries/22904293-Testing-AppsFlyer-iOS-SDK-Integration-

Integrating AppsFlyer Android Plugin (

  1. Copy the Assets folder from AppsFlyer's Unity plugin to your Unity project.

  2. Modify application manifest file:

    2.1 Open Unity and build your project.

    2.2 Once built, go to the Temp/StagingArea directory within your project and copy the AndroidManifest.xml file to the directory Assets/Plugins/Android/.

    2.3 Open the copied AndroidManifest.xml and change the activity's android:name to com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerOverrideActivity. It should look similar to the following:

    <activity android:name="com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerOverrideActivity" android:launchMode=...
    This will tell the android to start your application with AppsFlyer extension.

    2.4 set permissions (if missing) <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE” />

     * READ_PHONE_STATE permission is optional. 
     Adding this permission will enable Carrier tracking Android_id and IMEI (required for tracking out of Google Play)

    2.4 Set a receiver AndroidManifest.xml Android app cannot have multiple receivers which have the same intent-filtered action. AppsFlyer provide a solution that broadcasts INSTALL_REFERRER to all other receivers automatically. In the AndroidManifest.xml, please add the following receiver as the FIRST for INSTALL_REFERRER:

    <receiver android:name="com.appsflyer.MultipleInstallBroadcastReceiver" android:exported="true">
           <action android:name="com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER" />
    In case you would like to use multiple receivers see AppsFlyer android integration guide.

    2.5 To collect Google advertising ID: Integrate Google Play Services. Open the Android SDK manager, scroll down to the Extras folder and verify that you have downloaded the Google Play Services package. See http://developer.android.com/google/play-services/setup.html. Uncomment the following line in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

     <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version"
                android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

    2.6 Set your AppsFlyer's dev key by adding the following line at the end of the application section:

     <meta-data android:name="AppsFlyerDevKey" android:value="SET YOUR DEV KEY HERE"/>
  3. Build and run the app.

    Please refer to chapter 10 at the Android SDK integration guide for testing the integration. http://support.appsflyer.com/attachments/token/dfbenhahuv62oez/?name=AF-Android-Integration-Guide-v1.3.16.0.pdf

Plugin API:

Tracking event:


Setting user local currency code for in app purchases: The currency code should be a 3 character IOS 4217 code. (default is USD)


Settings the user ID as used by the app:


Using AppsFlyer's conversion data:

To load AppsFlyer's conversion data from it's servers you need add the following code to a Javascript code attached to a GameObject:

In the script's Start() function add the following line:


The first parameter is the script name. The second is the name of the function which handles the server's JSON result:

function someFunction(json){
    Debug.Log("AppsFlyer conversion data: "+json);

Initializing AppsFlyer using the CS API:

If you wish to use API directly instead of the iOS's PostprocessBuildPlayer PERL script or Android AppsFlyerOverrideActivity mentioned above, you can use the API directly as follow:

AppsFlyer.setAppsFlyerKey("YOU DEV KEY");
AppsFlyer.setAppID("APPLE APP ID"); // only required for iOS.