Getting started with RESTEasy
A step-by-step introduction to the RESTEasy framework.
System Requirements:
- OpenJDK for Java 1.8
- Git
- Maven 3.3.9 or higher
Building the example project:
To download and unpack Swagger UI:
mvn clean package
When you run mvn clean package
on the project, it will first download the Swagger-UI into the 'target' folder.
Then, the 'dist' folder of the Swagger-UI project is copied into the /src/main/resources/swagger-ui folder of the project.
When compiled, the swagger-ui folder will then appear in target/classes, and be accessible to your compiled and running fat JAR.
To build the fat JAR and run some tests:
mvn clean install
To run:
java -jar target/fatjar-swagger-guice-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Hello World:
Swagger UI: