
Research on proprietary goodix finger print reader

Primary LanguageLua

GF3208 (5201) Goodix fingerprint reader research


  • Reverse engineer and document protocol used to control the device
  • Write open source linux driver


  • model: GF3208 : 88x108 pixels @500dpi
  • found in ASUS UX391F Notebooks
  • uses proprietary windows driver
  • its a USB device (internal)
  • lsusb identifies device as 5201
  • driver location C:\Program Files\Goodix\Fingerprint Driver main parts contained in milanFusb.dll
  • Windows loads the dll in WUDF process
  • logs can be enabled with registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Goodix\FP\LogOutput key LogLevel (DWORD) set to 9 (max)
  • Logs are stored in C:\ProgramData\Goodix


  • Windows 11 virtual box VM with USB passthrough
  • USB communication sniffing with wireshark
  • disassembly of windows driver using Ghidra
  • windbg preview debugging with time travel


Image data

  • First 5 bytes of of data is image header (purpose not known)
  • Last 4 bytes (32bit int) is image crc checksum
  • MPEG2 CRC32 algo is used to calculate image checksum
  • Rest of data is encrypted

Data encryption

  • Image data is encrypted with some kind of rolling key encryption
  • Every data packet is encrypted with same set of keys
  • Every key is generated form a seed
  • Starting seed for key gen is always 0x12345678
  • Next seed is generated from one before
  • Data is decrypted by applying XOR operation with key and every 16bit word

Key gen algo:

def rolling_key_gen(seed):
    var1 = seed >> 1 ^ seed
    var2 = seed >> 0x10
    var3 = ((((((((seed >> 0xf & 0x2000 | seed & 0x1000000) >> 1 | seed & 0x20000) >> 2 | seed & 0x1000) >> 3 | (seed >> 7 ^ seed) & 0x80000) >> 1 | (seed >> 0xf ^ seed) & 0x4000) >> 2 | seed & 0x2000) >> 1 | (seed >> 0xe ^ seed) & 0x200) >> 1 | var1 & 0x40 | seed & 0x20) >> 1
    var4 = var3 | ((seed >> 0x14) ^ seed * 2) & 4 | seed & 1
    nextSeed = (var1 >> 0x1e ^ seed >> 10 & 0xff ^ seed & 0xff) << 0x1f | seed >> 1
    key = ((var3 >> 8) | (var2 >> 8 ^ ((seed << 3) >> 8)) & 0x40 | (var2 >> 1 ^ seed) & 8 | (((seed << 6) >> 8) ^ ((seed >> 7) >> 8)) & 1 | (((seed & 0x100) << 7) >> 8)) + var4 * 0x100
    return (key, nextSeed & 0xffffffff)

Image packing

Images are packed in a way where 6 bytes represents 4 16bit words of pixel data

Unpacking algo:

def unpack_data_to_16bit(data):
    # 6 bytes are needed to represent 4 16-bit values
    assert (len(data) % 6) == 0
    out = []
    for i in range(0, len(data), 6):
        chunk = data[i:i+6]
        o1 = ((chunk[0] & 0xf) << 8) + chunk[1] 
        o2 = (chunk[3] << 4) + (chunk[0] >> 4)
        o3 = ((chunk[5] & 0xf) << 8) + chunk[2] 
        o4 = (chunk[4] << 4) + (chunk[5] >> 4)
        out += [o1, o2, o3, o4]
    return out


Code and info from these related and helpful projects were used in this research: