
Simple template for fast start testing/creating react apps in node

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • clone into folder
  • cd to src dir
  • run npm install


Work in src/components dir by creating new components and mounting them into MainFrame component

Gulp tasks

  • gulp browserify - compile src/app.jsx to app.js
  • gulp browserify-prod - same as browserify just uglifies js
  • gulp sass - compiles src/sass/* to css
  • gulp watch - tracks components and sass folder changes and runs browserify and sass tasks
  • gulp hot-edit - runs hot edit server on localhost:8080

Hot Edit

  • After starting hot-edit server you can watch live changes of react code in browser on http://localhost:8080.
  • To see live changes of sass styles add "require('./your-sass-template.scss')" in the top of your component files.
  • On hot edit server all localhost:8080/api/* links are forwarded to localhist:3000/api/*.