
Pytorch implementation of stylenet

Primary LanguagePython

Stylenet Pytorch

Pytorch Implementation of Stylenet

This implementation is based on Pytorch 1.0


To install required modules run command below.

pipenv install
pipenv shell

Prepare dataset

Preprocess tokens for pytorch data loader.

python stylenet/text_preprocessor.py \
    -normal_path <path to non-style caption> \
    -style_path <path to style specific caption> \
    -save_path <path to save name of vocab file> \
    -max_vocab_size 0 # set 0 when using all vocaburaly. \
    # -train_embed_matrix # set this if you want to train pre-trained embedding. \
    -dim_size 512 \
    -window_size 5

or just put Flickr8K dataset and FlickrStyle to 'data/train_data' and type it.

sh sh/preprocess.sh


configuration for training and inference is based on data/configs/default.yml

python stylenet/train.py -config_path data/configs/default.yml


python stylenet/generate.py \
    -img_dir <path to image directory>/ # it can be /sample_imgs/ \
    -text_preprocessor_path <path to save name of vocab file created by text_preprocessor.py> \
    -checkpoint_path <path to saved checkpoint> \
    -mode style # or default \
    -decoder beam # beam or greedy \
    -beam_width 5 \
    -gen_max_len 50 \
    -config_path data/configs/default.yml \