
Problems with documentation references

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
Bad references in documentation

  • Formal parameter for method trading_login environment included in is env
  • A command call references to primary_login which does not exists (the call should be trading_login?)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

rRofex::trading_login(username="xxx", password="xxx", env ="reMarkets")
Warning message:
In rRofex::trading_login(username = "xxx", password = "xxx",  :
  Something went wrong... =/
> rRofex::trading_instruments(request = "securities", sec_detailed = T)
Error in rRofex::trading_instruments(request = "securities", sec_detailed = T) : 
  You should first log in using primary_login()

Expected behavior


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • macOS
  • R 6.0
gdpar commented

I've obtained message error using 'Enviroment' or 'Env' as parameter because I didn't have it declared previously in my workspace.
Considering the example in the reference documentation I had to use the '<-' operator in the function call:
rRofex::trading_login(username="xxx", password="xxx", Enviroment<- "reMarkets")

or just
rRofex::trading_login(username="xxx", password="xxx", "reMarkets")

rRofex::trading_login(username="xxx", password="xxx", Enviroment<- "reMarkets")

You are making an assignation to variable "Enviroment" in the function call.

rRofex::trading_login(username="xxx", password="xxx", env = "reMarkets")

Is the correct call. I made a PR with small changes regarding this issue

Tks @kenarab ! I've already accepted your pull request! If you find something else, just open an issue! @gdpar, Alejandro is right, I've made a mistake on the documentation!