
Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for Wordpress providing an intuitive database abstraction

Primary LanguagePHP

Wordpress Database Connector


Wordpress Database Connector may not be used without the authors permission.


  • PHP 5.3


  • define table objects
  • hook table installer
  • define table abstraction classes
  • ...profit

Upcoming Features

  • Extend Validator inline by static validation and sanitation methods
  • Support of multiple unique key in table creation
  • Error messages for standard object handler routine crashes
  • DBTable as singleton


require_once wp_db_connector.php

In the following example, an abstraction for a table with name test_table is derived.

1. Table definition

The first step is to define a class that holds the table properties.

Required Methods

  • protected function define_db_table_name()
  • protected function define_db_format()
  • protected function define_db_primary_key()

Optional Methods

  • protected function define_unique_keys()
  • protected function define_unique_key_pairs()
  • protected function define_validation_rules(): see Section 1.1 Validation
  • protected function define_sanitation_rules(): see Section 1.1 Validation
/* define test table */
class TestTable extends DBTable{

    /* define required fields */
    protected function define_db_table_name(){
        return 'db_connector_test';
    protected function define_db_format(){
        return array(
            'id' => '%d',
            'id_nummer' => '%d',
            'code' => '%s',
            'name' => '%s',
            'vorname' => '%s',
            'alter' => '%d'
    protected function define_db_primary_key(){
        return 'id';

    /* unique keys or key-pairs */
    protected function define_unique_keys(){
        return array('id_nummer');
    protected function define_unique_key_pairs(){
        return array(
            array('vorname', 'name'),
            array('code', 'id_nummer')

    /* validation and sanitation */
    protected function define_validation_rules(){
        return array(
            'id_nummer' => 'integer|required:insert',
            'code' => 'starts,#',
            'name' => 'required:insert',
            'vorname' => 'required:insert',
            'alter' => 'integer'
    protected function define_sanitation_rules(){
        return array(
            'code' => 'trim',
            'name' => 'trim',
            'vorname' => 'trim'


1.1 Validation

  • Escaping done by $wpdb (string or numeric entry) and by the class Validator (trim etc.)
  • Validation done by Validator class
  • rules separated by |
  • Don't use |, in parameters

Examples rule1:context1:context2|rule2:context2 param1 param2|rule3 param1

Available validation rules:


  • ban ban a key or multiple values
  • required check if key is set and if array: !empty or single value !=="" (0 validates to true)
  • numeric
  • integer
  • float
  • alpha_numeric
  • alpha_space(a-z, A-Z, 0-9, \s)
  • alpha_dash (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _-)
  • min_len,6
  • max_len,100
  • boolean true, false, 0, 1
  • array
  • url
  • email
  • name
  • date
  • starts,a;b;c
  • ends,a;b;c
  • contains,m;f must contain one of the values

Available filter rules:

  • lowercase
  • uppercase
  • trim
  • exclude
  • exclude_keys
  • exclude_values


  • update_data update data
  • update_where unique {where} search terms
  • delete unique {where} search terms
  • insert new entry data to insert
  • get unique {where} search terms to check if entry exists

Usage in DB Interface Validator instance is bound to table instance

$interface->table->validator->sanitize($context, $data);
$interface->table->validator->validate($context, $data);

2. Table abstraction

2.1 Interface Definition

Required Methods

  • protected function define_db_table()

Optional Methods

  • protected function define_data_binding(): See Section 2.2 Data Binding
/* define test item handler */
class TestItem extends DBObjectInterface{

	protected function define_db_table(){
		// instance of the table class
        return 'TestTable';

    protected function define_data_binding(){
        // placeholder function
        // use bind_action here to define the data binding
        $this->bind_action('insert_before', array($this,'bound_insert'));
        $this->bind_action('delete_before', array($this,'bound_delete'));

    protected function bound_insert($data, $where){

        $bound_item = new BoundTestItem();

        $result = $bound_item->exists($data);
        echo '<strong>Testitem exits:</strong> '.($result?'YES':'NO').'<br>';
        $result = $bound_item->insert(array('id_nummer'=>$data['id_nummer']));
        $result = $bound_item->exists($data);
        echo '<strong>Testitem exits:</strong> '.($result?'YES':'NO').'<br>';

    protected function bound_delete($where){

        $bound_item = new BoundTestItem();

        $result = $bound_item->exists($where);
        echo '<strong>Bound testitem exits:</strong> '.($result?'YES':'NO').'<br>';
        $result = $bound_item->delete($where);
        $result = $bound_item->exists($where);
        echo '<strong>Bound testitem exits:</strong> '.($result?'YES':'NO').'<br>';



2.2 Databinding

  • Databinding allows to bind a user-defined function to a standard object method such as delete or insert.
  • The {hook_name} parameter specifies the position and method when the function is executed.
  • Setting $eval_return to true and returning false causes the object method to terminate with return false (allows to cancel the execution of standard methods on user-defined conditions)

####Add Function Trigger

bind_action($context, $callback, $eval_return = false, $order = 0)

Used for data binding in __construct() method. The currently available data is passed to the callback function and the return is saved back. To abort the parent function, set $eval_return to true and return false in the bound method @param string $context string context where the queued functions are executed @param string $callback name of the callback function (extended class method) as string @param bool $eval_return (optional) if set to true, the parent function returns false if return is false @param int $order (optional) relative order the function is executed @throws \Exception if callback does not exist

  • General method: bind_action({hook_name}, 'function_name')
  • Object method: bind_action({hook_name}, array($this, 'function_name'))
class File extends DBObjectInterface{
    protected function define_data_binding(){
        bind_action('insert_before', array($this,'echo_sth')
    protected function echo_sth(){
    	echo 'I am called before an insertion.';

####Available Databinding Hooks

The arguments passed to the bounded functions are always sanitized and validated yet not filtered to the available columns (allows to pass aditional parameters to the bounded functions).

Hooked function: myfunction(array $data, $args = null)

Hook description arguments
delete_before Before an item is deleted array $where (optional)
delete_after After an item is deleted array $where (optional), bool $success
insert_before Before an item is deleted array $data
insert_after Before an item is deleted array $data, bool $success
update_before Before an item is deleted array $data, array $where
update_after Before an item is deleted array $where

Multi-Object Handler

Hook description arguments
get_before Before items are loaded array $where (optional)
delete_before Before an item is deleted array $where (optional)
delete_after After an item is deleted array $where (optional), bool $success
insert_before Before an item is deleted array $data
insert_after Before an item is deleted array $data, bool $success
update_before Before an item is deleted array $data, array $where
update_after Before an item is deleted array $where

####Example: Changing Data with hooked functions

function myFunction($data, $args = null){
	// do some modifications
	if($data['count'] > 30){
		$data['bulk'] = true;
	// return the data array
	return $data;

2.3 Interface Usage

Main Functions

Return Codes

  • success: true
  • entry exists/does not exist: 0
  • validation error: null
  • misc error: false

Data format

'col1' => 'value1',
'col2' => 'value2'

insert(array $data, bool $force_reload = true) Optional: $force_reload if inserted data should be loaded into the object instance (load() applied after insert)

$handler = new \wpdbc\TestItem();
if($r = !$handler->insert($data){
	if($r === 0){
		// entry exists already
	} else if($r == null){
		// validation error
	} else {
		// misc error

load(array $search_terms) Description: Loads ++specific++ data entry (no or terms)

$handler = new \wpdbc\TestItem();
if($r = !$handler->load($data){
	if($r === 0){
		// entry does not exist
	} else if($r == null){
		// validation error (e.g. no unique search key)
	} else {
		// misc error

update(array $data, array $search_terms = null) Description: Updates ++specific++ data entry (no or terms) Optional: $search_terms if update not applied to object instance

$handler = new \wpdbc\TestItem();
if($r = !$handler->update($data){
	if($r === 0){
		// entry does not exist
	} else if($r == null){
		// validation error (e.g. no unique search key)
	} else {
		// misc error

delete(array $search_terms = null) Description: Deletes ++specific++ data entry (no or terms) Optional: $search_terms if deletion not applied to object instance

$handler = new \wpdbc\TestItem();
if($r = !$handler->update($data){
	if($r === 0){
		// entry does not exist
	} else if($r == null){
		// validation error (e.g. no unique search key)
	} else {
		// misc error

Available methods (outdated)

  • debugging($active)

    @param bool $active activate/deactivate debugging for object instance

  • loaded()

    @throws \Exception if the current object is not loaded

  • is_loaded()

    @return bool whether the object is loaded

  • exists(array $data)

    Check if entry exists. Either by single unique key+value or by unque key-pair @param array $data unique identification data @return mixed Row as object. bool false, if no matching entry exists @throws \Exception if multiple entries with unique values exist

  • load(array $data, array $return_keys = array())

    Load all information into the object. Only possible for unique key/key-pair information. @param array $data unique search data @param array $return_keys column values to return on success @return mixed bool if succeeded or array of data specified in $return_keys @throws \Exception if input key(s) are not a unique identifier

  • get($keys = array())

    Get column values from the loaded object interface. Requires a previous load(). **@param **array $keys array of columns names to return @return bool|object single value, object with attributes equal to the extracted column names or false if the column names do not exist @throws \Exception if object is not loaded

  • update(array $data, $where = null)

    Updates the currently loaded object or an object uniquely specified by $where @param array $data update data with format: array($column_name => $value) @param array $where (optional) unique identification with format: array($key => $value) @return bool|integer 1: success, 0: nothing updated, false: fail/entry does not exist @throws \Exception

  • delete($where = null)

    Deletes the loaded object or an object uniquely specified by $where @param array $where (optional) unique identification with format: array($key => $value) @return bool|integer 1 on success, false on fail @throws \Exception If $where is invalid or the object is not loaded

  • insert(array $data, $force_reload = true)

    Inserts a new table row @param array $data data with format: array('col1'=>'col1val', 'col2'=>'col2val') @param bool $force_reload (optional) whether to update the object representation with the inserted values @return bool 1 on success, false if entry could not be inserted @throws \Exception if invalid input values are given


  • get_error_msgs (validation and context reset after each main function, output format)
  • add_emsg

Multi-Object Handler

2.1 Interface Definition

Required Methods

  • protected function define_db_table()

@return string Class name of extended DBTable Database Table class

Optional Methods

  • protected function define_data_binding(): See Section **2.2

Interface Methods

Available methods

  • debugging($active)

    @param bool $active activate/deactivate debugging for object instance

  • loaded()

    @throws \Exception no objects have been loaded

  • is_loaded()

    @return bool whether some objects have been loaded (e.g. in case no object been found)

  • is_queried()

    @return bool whether a search query has been performed or not (objects might be empty)

  • load(array $fields_and, array $fields_or, array $args)

    Load objects specified by search data @param array $fields_and column values with 'AND' relation. Format: array('col1'=>'searchval1', 'col2'=>array('col2_val1', 'col2_val1')) @param array $fields_or column values with 'OR' relation. Format: array('col1'=>'searchval1', 'col2'=>array('col2_val1', 'col2_val1')) @param array $args (optional) additional query pagination parameters: limit, offset, group_by (column namae) @return bool|int false if query failed or number of search results (including 0) @throws \Exception if invalid search data supplied

  • load_all(array $args)

    Loads all table entries into the object @param array $args (optional) additional query pagination parameters: limit, offset, group_by (column name) @return bool|int false if query failed or number of search results (including 0)

  • delete(array $fields_and, array $fields_or, array $args)


General Method Return Behavior

  • Empty result: false
  • Wrong input format: Exception