Repository of the Final Degree Project of Mathias Brunkow Moser, this repo has the main code for the Parking Time Optimization System. This project has received the best note and Honors for the 2022 UFV Promotion.

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Sistema de Optimización de Tiempo de Aparcamiento (SOTA)

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NOTE: The system default lenguage is Spanish, because the project is for a University in Spain (Interfaces are in Spanish, system intern communication messages are in English. The docs are in English for easing the universal undertanding of the PTOS System, all over the world)

Parking Time Optimization System (PTOS)

PTOS or SOTA (in Spanish) is a Smart Parking integrated system that offers a safe live view to managers and users of a Smart Campus Parking Lot. The system is capable of handling the detection of a licence plate by a IP Camera at the entrance of a parking lot and asign to registered users a parking place with a unique ticket.

Users are able to interact with the system in a Web Aplication called UFV MyParking. There can to add vehicles that will be detected by the cameras in the parking lot entrance and exits. They are also able to visualize the parking lot capacity and status

Once a user enterers a ticket will be generated indicating the asigned parking place. This asigned place is the one that best suits the type of vehicle configured in the WebApp.

Table of Contents

Integrated Systems:

  1. Digital Twin (Parking Administration Platform and Simulator)

  2. DeviceManager (Simulated IP Cameras Manager Server)

  3. UFV MyParking WebApp (Vehicle and User Platform)

Digital Twin ScreenShot


UFV MyParking WebApp ScreenShot


Virtual Tickets



If you want to deploy the system in your local machine, you must have a linux (unix) enviroment, we recommend the use of Git Bash to be able to execute the buildDocker.sh script and deploy the system into container using docker-compose

Built With

Technology arquitecture


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Getting Started

You need to install Git or GitBash to be able to handle the scripts used by the system. Despite of that you will need to install Docker in your local machine. The system has the docker files configured and waiting for being mounted.


For Windows

For the installation of the system you will need:

Install Git with Gitbash


NOTE: If you already have a virtualizated linux bash shell, like cygwin, please make sure you can execute .sh scripts.

Install Docker:

NOTE: Please check the system requirements to successfullu install docker

Use a Web Browser

Both Digital Twin and UFV MyParking systems make use of the browser to interact with the users. So make sure that you have a updated browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Any Chromium Browser.

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Deploying the App

1 - Start Docker Daemon

Here you will find more information about it:


NOTE:: In windows you just need to open the Docker Desktop App

2 - Clone this Repository

git clone https://github.com/matbmoser/SOTA.git

3 - Configure Credentials (Optional):

Configure the database credentials, default settings and default of the enviroment.

NOTE: The system is already configurated with default values, so is optional the configuration of credentials. If you are willing to modify parameters like the connection to the Database, here there is a description.

Digital Twin Global Configurations:

Go to:

 cd digital-twin/src/assets/mod/configs

NOTE: If you are unsafe about editing the configurations you can let them in their default values.

The directory contains two configuration files.

    ├───config.php ## Global configurations
    └───db.config.php ## Database configurations

Device Manager Global Configurations

Go to:

 cd digital-twin/deviceManager/assets/mod/configs

Device Manager Scructure:

├───camera ## Camera Connection Files
│   └───socket ## Socket Camera Client Files
├───db ## Database files
│   ├───controllers ## Data Access Controllers
│   └───dbConfig.py #<HERE you can edit the DB Connection Settings>
├───docs ## Useful docs like SJMP protocol description
├───operators ## Encription Tools and Operators
├───protocols ## Comunication Protocols Handlers
├───server ## Server Files
└───globalConfig.py ##<HERE you can edit the global configurations> 

UFV MyParking Laravel Configurations

Go to:

 cd /webapp/src

Open the following file:


Laravel unificates all the global configurations in only one enviroment file. To configurate the database parameters you can access the file and modify the following parameters:

DB_HOST=mysql # Indicate DB Server ip or hostname.
DB_PORT=3306 # DEFAULT: MySQL 3306
DB_DATABASE=sotadb ## The default database created is sotadb.
DB_USERNAME=<username> # DEFAULT: root

Docker Compose File

You can modify the docker compose file before building the app.

## --------------------------------------------------------------
# Parking Time Optimization System Configuration
# Author: Mathias Brunkow Moser 
## --------------------------------------------------------------

version: "3.9"

  ## MySQL Database Configuration
    image: mysql
    container_name: mysql-bbdd
      ## Database configuration
      MYSQL_DATABASE: "sotadb"
      MYSQL_USER: "dbadmin"

      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "s0t42022"
      ## Port Configuration
      - "3306:3306"

      - ./data:/var/lib/mysql

  ## phpMyAdmin administrator configuration
    image: phpmyadmin
    container_name: php-my-admin
      - 7777:80
      - PMA_HOST=mysql
      - mysql

  ## UFV MyParking WebApp Configuration
    container_name: php-webapp
      context: ./webapp
      WEBAPP: "/var/www/webapp"
      # Range of ports in production
      - "8080:80"
      ## Port range in Development
      - "3001:8001"
      - "3000:8000"
      - "3002:8002"
      ## Create volumes to save the configurations
      - ./webapp/src:/var/www/webapp
      - ./webapp/apache/default.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
      - mysql
      ## Belongs to the internal network created
      - default
      - appNet

  ## Digital twin configuration
    container_name: digital-twin
      context: ./digital-twin
      ## Configuration of default path variables
      DEVICE_MANAGER: "/usr/src/app"

      DIGITAL_TWIN: "/var/www/digital-twin"

      ## Range of ports used.
      - "3333:80" # Access port to the digital twin.
      - "8888:8888" # Default device manager port.
      - "4050-4100:4050-4100" # Device manager port range.
      ## Volumes created to configure the environment
      - ./digital-twin/src:/var/www/digital-twin
      - ./digital-twin/php/php.ini-development:/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini-development
      - ./digital-twin/php/php.ini-production:/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini-production
      - ./digital-twin/deviceManager:/usr/src/app
      - ./digital-twin/apache/default.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
      - mysql
      - default
      - appNet

## We create networks so that containers can communicate with each other.
    driver: bridge
    external: true

## The volumes used by the database will be stored in data.

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4- Build the App

NOTE: When you build the docker compose container enviroment, a new directory will be created, it will contain the persistent data from the system database.


Execute Build Docker Script

The deployement from all the SOTA system is centralized in only one Bash Script.

For building the docker compose container enviroment run the following script.


ALERT: If you execute for the first time the script it will take some minutes.

The script will perform a series of actions to build the containers.

########## < buildDocker.sh >

## Set up internal network
docker network create appNet 

## Build Docker Compose <docker-compose.yml> file required
docker-compose up -d --build

## Give permits for Laravel to access the storage.
docker exec -it php-webapp chmod -R 777 storage 

## Install all the PHP Laravel packets
docker exec -it php-webapp composer install
## Install all JS Packets 
docker exec -it php-webapp npm install

## Wait 15 seconds for MySQL Server Container to startup 
sleep 15

## Execute the preconfigured database migration. 
docker exec -it php-webapp npm run migrate 

NOTE: This is a simplified version of buildDocker.sh, to show the main commands.

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User Manual

Once the migrations are completed, the system is ready to go.

Access To Digital Twin

You can enter in the Digital Twin accessing the following url:


For safety reasons you will be redirected to a login page in /login:

Access Digital Twin Default Credentials

Introduce the following credentials to have access to the digital twin.

> Default Admin Credentials:

Email: admin@myparking.com
Password: 789456123 # Default Password

> Default Manager Credentials:

Email: manager@myparking.com
Password: 789456123 # Default Password

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** You can configure more default users in "```./webapp/src/database/seeders/UserSeeder.php```" and after you need to run again "```./buildDocker.sh```" to execute the migrations.

In case you want to execute a manual migration you can use:

docker exec -it php-webapp php artisan migrate --seed

Digital Twin Interface

The the digital twin will have some test data included so you can visualize how the data is shown:

You have two interface color modes: Dark Mode (DEFAULT) and Light Mode:

Dark Mode


Light Mode


NOTE: Here you can visualize the parking place in real time, by zones.

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In the header are able to:
  • Logout
  • Visualize your current information
  • Change to light/dark modes

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The map will show you the parking lot capacity status, in zones.

NOTE: In smartphones you will be not able to see the zones capacity just with Ver Plazas Action Button.


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Action Buttons


In the action buttons you are able to:
  • Open a Camera Manager Server
  • Add a new vehicle to the parking place
  • Delete vehicle from parking place
  • See all the vehicles inside the parking place
  • Simulate the control of the barrers
  • Visualize the parking place free space capacity
  • Visualize the parking place filled space capacity

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Device Manager Server Admin

This server manages all the cameras, and recieves WebSocket and TCP connections if the structures uses the SJMP Protocol digital-twin/deviceManager/docs/SJMPProtocolDescription.pdf packet structure.


Before Opened


When Started up a random UUID will be generated as serverid.

Here you can see the server status, inside the digital-twin docker container.

After Opened


In server admin you can:
  • Choose a random port to open the server.
  • Choose the default port.
  • Open the server when is closed
  • Close the server when is opened (will close all the cameras)
  • If open you can see the server log inside the digital-twin container

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Connect Camera


Before Connected


The camera will connect to the current running server using SJMP Protocol digital-twin/deviceManager/docs/SJMPProtocolDescription.pdf

Here you can see the logs for the camera connected to the server in digital-twin docker container.

You will recieve a sessionid which can identify your session in the server.

After Opened


In camera admin you can:
  • See camera status
  • Disconnect the camera

After you connected the button will change to disconnect:


NOTE: If you reload the digital twin page, the camera will reconnect to the server and recieve a new sessionid.

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Add Vehicle Button


NOTE: Make sure the camera is connected, before adding!

Here you can simulate to add a new vehicle like a camera.

The camera will send a SJMP Protocol digital-twin/deviceManager/docs/SJMPProtocolDescription.pdf IN Flag with the plate


Delete Vehicle Button


NOTE: Make sure the camera is connected, before adding!

Here you can simulate to delete a new vehicle like a camera.

The camera will send a SJMP Protocol digital-twin/deviceManager/docs/SJMPProtocolDescription.pdf IN Flag with the plate


See Places Button


Here you can see all the vehicles in the parking.


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Barrers Button


Here you can simulate to open and close the barrers.

Open Entrace Barrer


Close Entrace Barrer


Change to Exit Barrer


All the information from status will appear in the monitor.

Refresh and AutoRefresh Button

Autorefesh: Every 10 seconds it will update the parking map and info if is on.

You can click in refresh to refresh the information in the map.

Enabled Refresh


Disabled Refresh


The parking information will update then.

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Access To WebApp UFV MyParking

You can enter in the WebApp UFV MyParking accessing the following url if available:

NOTE: If is not available you can change in the docker-compose.yaml the default port in php-webapp container, then rerun the ./buildDocker.sh command.


For safety reasons you will be redirected to a login page in /login:

Access WebApp Default Credentials

Introduce the following credentials to have access to the webapp:

> Default Admin Credentials:

Email: admin@myparking.com
Password: 789456123 # Default Password

> Default Manager Credentials:

Email: manager@myparking.com
Password: 789456123 # Default Password

> Default User Credentials:

Email: conductor@email.com
Password: 123456789 # Default Password


You can also create your own user:

NOTE: To register click in Registrate in the bottom of the login.


Data Policy

Read the data policy if is necesary, there we specify why the data is stored.


The dashboard shows you all the parking places.


The menu is variable by the permits of the user rol.

Menu User


Menu Manager


Menu Admin




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Click over the icon of profile in the header

Here you can see your data and permits:

NOTE: As a normal user you have no permits, change to admin to have more permits.


Edit profile data

Here you can modify your data, and password.

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Add vehicles so you can simulate them in the digital twin

Here you can see and manage all your vehicles


Add Vehicle

Click over the add button in the bottom right of the screen

Introduce your plate and vehicle type :


Delete Vehicle

Click over the delete button in the right of the register and click on delete:


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NOTE: Go to digital twin and click over the Add Vehicle Button and add the plate you just added

You will recieve a ticket if you refresh the page.


Click over Ver Ticket:

Open Valid Virtual Ticket

You can see your parking place in the top left:

NOTE: Go to digital twin and click over the Delete Vehicle Button and add the plate in your ticket and refresh the page.

Invalid Virtual Ticket

Your ticket is now invalid, because you went from the parking lot.


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Responsive Views

All the WebApp UFV MyParking is responsive so you can see how the views are in mobile:

Responsive Login


Responsive Dashboard Parking Zones


Responsive Header


Responsive Map


Responsive Ticket


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Open TCP/IP Camera Simulator

You can open a new camera and simulate using the CameraManager simulator

NOTE: You need to have an open server, in the digital twin!

Execute the script:


A menu will open for you to configure a new camera:

Select the diferent options to:

  • Start new Camera
  • Start Default Camera, if the default server is open.
  • Disconnect a camera
  • Add a vehicle to parking (needs to exist)
  • Delete vehicle from parking (needs to be inside)
  • List all the cameras in the manager

NOTE: If you exit all the cameras will be closed!

Start Camera

Introduce the data from the open server to connect!

NOTE: If you introduce empty, the default settings will be used.


NOTE: After this you are ready to add/delete vehicles, select the camera in the list that will be deployed. Then you can add the vehicle plate, and it is done!


Distributed under the Creative Commons License. See LICENSE.md for more information.

Commercial use is not authorized, please contact with: Mathias Moser - matbmoser@gmail.com

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Mathias Moser - matbmoser@gmail.com

Project Link: https://github.com/matbmoser/SOTA

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