
Join the challenge and get a chance to grab some goodies.

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The Joola Challenge

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Fork this repo, submit a pull-request answering the challenge and get some swag.

Here at Joola we developed a cool framework for data analytics, but we want to learn more about how we can make it even better and more accessible for developers, this is why we came up with this challenge.

We're interested in the different methods and concepts you would use to tackle a very basic challenge, drawing a line-chart.

We will send out T-shirts to leading pull-requests and raffle more among all pull-requests submitted.


  • Create a webpage with a single line chart showing a single series of sum of visitors during the last day.
  • The line chart should show hour by hour breakdown (24 last hours) and update in realtime.
  • Data for the chart will be generated by the page itself, so every visit to the page is registered and then shown on the chart.
  • You must save the data in a database/store and the chart must show the result of a query (sum of visits).


  • Please open a pull request for this repo with your solution.
  • Official closing data is December 1st 01:00 GMT.


  • You can use whatever methodology, language, database, technique you'd like.
  • You can use whatever charting component/library you wish.
  • Design, usability, look & feel, etc... is not important.

Don't forget to star this repo so we could get more developers involved.