Django-Experiments is an AB Testing Framework for Django and Nexus. It is completely usable via template tags. It provides support for conditional user enrollment via Gargoyle.
If you don't know what AB testing is, check out wikipedia.
Django-Experiments is best installed via pip:
pip install django-experiments
This should download django-experiments and any dependencies. If downloading from the repo, pip is still the recommended way to install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
(Detailed list in requirements.txt)
The example project is a good place to get started and have a play. Results are stored in redis and displayed in the nexus admin. The key components of this framework are: the experiments, alternatives and goals.
Before you can start configuring django-experiments, you must ensure you have a redis server up and running. See for downloads and documentation.
This is a quick guide to configuring your settings file to the bare minimum. First, add the relevant settings for your redis server (we run it as localhost):
Next, activate the apps by adding them to your INSTALLED_APPS:
#Installed Apps INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django.contrib.humanize', 'nexus', 'gargoyle', 'experiments', ]
And add our middleware:
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES [ ... 'experiments.middleware.ExperimentsMiddleware', ]
We haven't configured our goals yet, we'll do that in a bit.
Note, more configuration options are detailed below.
The experiment is manually created in your nexus admin.*
An experiment allows you to test the effect of various design alternatives on user interaction. Nexus Experiments is designed to work from within django templates, to make it easier for designers. We begin by loading our module:
{% load experiments %}
and we then define our first experiment and alternative, using the following syntax:
We are going to run an experiment called “register_text” to see what registration link text causes more users to complete the registration process. Our first alternative must always be the “control” alternative. This is our fallback if the experiment is disabled.
{% experiment register_text control %} <a href = "register.html">Register now.</a> {% endexperiment %}
So while the experiment is disabled, users will see a register link saying “Register now”. Let’s define another, more polite alternative:
{% experiment register_text polite %} <a href = "register.html">Please register!</a> {% endexperiment %}
While experiment is disabled, users will still see the “control” alternative, and their registration link will say “Register now”. When the experiment is enabled, users will be randomly assigned to each alternative. This information is stored in the enrollment, a unique combination of the user, the experiment and which alternative they are assigned to.
*Experiments will be dynamically created by default if they are defined in a template but not in the admin. This can be overridden in settings.
Goals allow us to acknowledge when a user hits a certain page. You specify them in the EXPERIMENTS_GOALS tuple in your settings. Given the example above, we would want a goal to be triggered once the user has completed the registration process.
Add the goal to our EXPERIMENT_GOALS tuple in
EXPERIMENTS_GOALS = ("registration")
Our registration successful page will contain our goal, “registration”:
{% experiment_goal "registration" %}
This will be fired when the user loads the page. There are three ways ways of using goals: a server-sided python function, a JavaScript onclick event, or cookies.
The python function, somewhere in your django views:
from experiments.utils import record_goal record_goal(request, 'registration')
The JavaScript onclick method:
<button onclick="experiments.goal('registration')">Complete Registration</button>
The cookie method:
<span data-experiments-goal="registration">Complete Registration</span>
The goal is independent from the experiment as many experiments can all have the same goal. The goals are defined in the file for your project.
The framework can distinguish between humans and bots. By including
{% include "experiments/confirm_human.html" %}
at some point in your code (we recommend you put it in your base.html file), unregistered users will then be confirmed as human. This can be quickly overridden in settings, but be careful - bots can really mess up your results!
Experiments can be managed in the nexus dashboard (/nexus/experiments by default).
Control - The experiment is essentially disabled. All users will see the control alternative, and no data will be collected.
Enabled - The experiment is enabled globally, for all users.
Gargoyle - If a switch_key is specified, the experiment will rely on the gargoyle switch to determine if the user is included in the experiment. More on this below.
Gargoyle lets you toggle features to selective sets of users based on a set of conditions. Connecting an experiment to a gargoyle “switch” allows us to run targeted experiments - very useful if we don’t want to expose everyone to it. For example, we could specify to run the result to 10% of our users, or only to staff.
#Experiment Goals EXPERIMENTS_GOALS = () #Auto-create experiment if doesn't exist EXPERIMENTS_AUTO_CREATE = True #Auto-create gargoyle switch if switch doesn't exist when added to experiment EXPERIMENTS_SWITCH_AUTO_CREATE = True #Auto-delete gargoyle switch that the experiment is linked to on experiment deletion EXPERIMENTS_SWITCH_AUTO_DELETE = True #Naming scheme for gargoyle switch name if auto-creating EXPERIMENTS_SWITCH_LABEL = "Experiment: %s" #Toggle whether the framework should verify user is human. Be careful. EXPERIMENTS_VERIFY_HUMAN = False #Example Redis Settings EXPERIMENTS_REDIS_HOST = 'localhost' EXPERIMENTS_REDIS_PORT = 6379 EXPERIMENTS_REDIS_DB = 0 #Middleware MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES [ ... 'experiments.middleware.ExperimentsMiddleware', ] #Installed Apps INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django.contrib.humanize', 'nexus', 'gargoyle', 'experiments', ]