
Facebook Python OAuth to OAuth2 code

Primary LanguagePython

Facebook OAuth2 code

This code is intended to be used with the Facebook JavaScript SDK (http://github.com/facebook/connect-js)
to show how to transition to the new OAuth2 implementation.

1. On the JavaScript side, the oauth: true options. must be set in the FB.init()
calls.  The facebook api_id needs to be used instead of facebook_app_id:

<script type="text/javascript">
FB.init({apiKey: facebook_app_id,
                 oauth: true,
                 cookie: true});

2. Instead of response.session, the response should now be response.authResponse.  Also,
make note that scope: should be used instead of perms:

  FB.login(function(response) {
    if (response.authResponse) {
    {scope: 'email,publish_stream,manage_pages'}

Also, if you need to retrieve the user id on the JavaScript, the value is stored
as response.authResponse.userID instead of response.session.uid:

       { method: 'fql.query',
        query: 'SELECT ' + permissions.join() + ' FROM permissions WHERE uid=' + response.authResponse.userID},
        function (response) { });

3. If the OAuth2 login was successful, an fbsr_ cookie is set instead of fbs_ cookie.

Included are also Django views to show how to force expiration of fbs_ cookie,
so that you can require all logins to rely on the fbsr_ cookie.  The current
Facebook Connect Library does not have the ability to force expiration of these
old cookies since the apiKey parameter has to be changed for OAuth2.  In order
to clear the cookie, the correct domain= parameter must be provided.

4. Note that this code assumes that you have FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET,
FACEBOOK_APP_ID, and FACEBOOK_API_KEY set inside your settings.py file.

Reporting Issues

If you have bugs or other issues, send them to roger.hu [at] gmail.com.