
A lofi audio-visual programming toy that can be scripted in multiple real-world languages.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


TurtleLab is a lofi audio-visual programming toy that can be scripted in multiple real-world languages.

Supported Languages:

  • Scheme
  • JavaScript
  • Lua

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Turtle Graphics: A Visual Programming Tool

"Turtle graphics" is a programming concept that uses a virtual turtle to create drawings or shapes on a screen. The turtle can be controlled by simple commands like "forward," "rotate," "right," and "left," which move the turtle in specific directions.

Key Concepts:

  • Turtle: A virtual object that can be moved around a coordinate system.
  • Commands: Instructions that control the turtle's movements and actions, such as drawing lines, changing colors, or picking up/putting down the pen.
  • Coordinate System: A grid-like system that defines the turtle's position and orientation.
  • Canvas: The drawing surface where the turtle's movements and creations are displayed.

Why are Turtle Graphics Cool?

  • Visual Learning: Turtle graphics provides a visual representation of programming concepts, making it easier to understand.
  • Interactive Programming: Students can experiment with different commands and see the immediate results, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Foundation for Advanced Concepts: Turtle graphics can be used as a foundation for learning more complex programming topics like loops, functions, and object-oriented programming.



The primary way of interacting with TurtleLab is via the CLI.

Usage: turtle <file> [options]
  -l, --lang <scm|js|lua>  Specify the lang - Overrides auto detection
  -d, --delay <delay>      Specify the delay between ticks
  -s, --skipIntro          Skip the intro
  -t, --hideTurtle         Hide the cursor
  -o, --noLoop             Do not loop the program
  -a, --autoClose          Automatically close the program when done
  -b, --noDebug            Do not show debug messages
  -g, --noGrid             Do not show the grid
  -v, --volume <volume>    Set the volume
  -m, --mute               Mute the sound
  -h, --help               Display this help message


./turtle examples/api.js -d 1000 -s

Window Hotkeys

While the TurtleLab window is running, the following hotkeys are available:

  • SPACE - Pause the turtle
  • UP ARROW - Speed up the turtle
  • DOWN ARROW - Slow down the turtle
  • LEFT ARROW - Move forward one command
  • RIGHT ARROW - Move backwards one command
  • M KEY - Mute the audio
  • ESCAPE - Quit TurtleLab


JavaScript (examples/api.js)

function main() { 
    print("Hello, world!");
(bg 22 33 44)
(color 255 255 255)
(teleport 128 64)
(down 64)
(right 64)
(up 64)
(left 64)
(down-right 64)
(down-left 64)
(up-left 64)
(up-right 64)
(go-back 7)
(rotate-cw 64)
(rotate-ccw 32)
(rotate 0)
(forward 32)
(print "Hello, world!")
bg(22, 33, 44)
color(255, 255, 255)
teleport(128, 64)
print("Hello, world!")

Script File Metadata

Scripts can contain metadata in their comments. Some meta data is functional and can change the way the program runs. All metadata is optional.

  • NAME: - Sets script name in window title
  • OPT: - Set default CLI options for this file
  • DESC: - A short description of the script.
  • AUTH: - The name and/or contact info of the author.


// NAME: My Script
// OPT: -d 100 -s
// DESC: A test script. Runs with 100ms delay and skips startup.
// AUTH: Leonardo

API Details

bg r g b

Set the background color. Acceptable color values are between 0 and 255.

color r g b a?

Set the drawing color. Acceptable color values are between 0 and 255. Alpha is optional.

forward n

Move the turtle forward n pixels in the direction it is facing. Direction is determined by the current rotation value.

rotate n

Rotate the turtle to an absolute rotation value. 256 "rotation units" makes up a full rotation.

rotate_cw n

Rotate the turtle clockwise n "rotation units". 256 "rotation units" makes up a full rotation.

rotate_ccw n

Rotate the turtle counter-clockwise n "rotation units". 256 "rotation units" makes up a full rotation.

up n

Move the turtle up on the Y axis n pixels.

down n

Move the turtle down on the Y axis n pixels.

left n

Move the turtle left on the Y axis n pixels.

right n

Move the turtle right on the Y axis n pixels.

down_right n

Move the turtle down and right n pixels in each direction.

down_left n

Move the turtle down and left n pixels in each direction.

up_right n

Move the turtle up and right n pixels in each direction.

up_left n

Move the turtle up and left n pixels in each direction.

teleport x y

Move to the given coordinates.

go_back n

Move the turtle to where it was n commands ago. Does not reset the rotation.


  • The canvas for drawing on is 256x256 px.
  • Drawing outside of the canvas is generally allowed.
  • rotate 0 resets the rotation and snaps the turtle sub-position.
  • Set a color with an alpha value of 0 to move without drawing.
  • The audio synthesis parameters are fed by the turtle coordinates as well as the drawing color.
  • Each subsequent command requires re-running the whole program. So very long program will slow down as they go.
  • Frame delay is displayed in the window title bar. Higher numbers mean your program is running slower.


Install the deps listed below and then run the Makefile or build with the shell scripts.

macOS build


brew install sdl2 --build-from-source

Build scripts:



make turtle_mac

Linux build


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libsdl2-dev libxdamage-dev libxcomposite-dev libglew-dev

If you run into issues installing packages try:

sudo apt-get remove --purge libegl-mesa0
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get autoremove

Build Scripts:



make turtle_linux