Developing Microservices - Node, React, and Docker

A microservices sample with nodejs/React/Postgres, monitored by New Relic and deployed on EKS.


This repository is a stripped down version from


Name Service Container Tech
Web Web web React, React-Router
Movies API Movies movies Node, Express
Movies DB Movies movies-db Postgres
Users API Users users Node, Express
Users DB Users users-db Postgres


  1. Fork/Clone this repo

Build and Run the App

Fire up the Containers

Build the images:

$ docker-compose build

Run the containers:

$ docker-compose up -d

Sanity Check

Test out the following services...

Endpoint HTTP Method CRUD Method Result
/users/ping GET READ pong
/users/register POST CREATE add a user
/users/login POST CREATE log in a user
/users/user GET READ get user info
Endpoint HTTP Method CRUD Method Result
/movies/ping GET READ pong
/movies/user GET READ get all movies by user
/movies POST CREATE add a single movie
Endpoint HTTP Method CRUD Method Result
/ GET READ render main page
/login GET READ render login page
/register GET READ render register page
/logout GET READ log a user out
/collection GET READ render collection page
(4) Movies Database and (5) Users Database

If Docker then get the container id from docker ps and then open psql:

$ docker exec -ti <container-id> psql -U postgres

If Kubernetes then get the pod id from kubectl get pods and then open psql:

$ kubectl exec -ti <pod-id> psql -U postgres

Additional Commands

To stop the containers:

$ docker-compose stop

To bring down the containers:

$ docker-compose down

To force a build:

$ docker-compose build --no-cache

To stop all containers:

$ docker container stop $(docker container ls -aq)

To remove all containers:

$ docker container rm $(docker container ls -aq)

To remove all images:

$ docker rmi $(docker images -q)

To recover space:

$ docker system prune --volumes