
Extract stroke and fill colors from SVG files

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Extract stroke and fill colors from SVG files. Designed for use in node, not the browser.


npm install svg2colors --save


const getColors = require("svg2colors")

// Give it an SVG filename
const colors = getColors(__dirname + '/australia.svg')

// Or an SVG string
const colors = getColors('<svg...>')

// You'll get back an object with two keys: `fills` and `strokes`

// `fills` is an array of chroma-js objects
colors.fills.map(color => color.hex())
// => ['#FFFFFF', '#123123', '#F0F0F0']

// `strokes` is also an array of chroma-js objects
colors.strokes.map(color => color.hex())
// => ['#FFFFFF', '#123123', '#F0F0F0']

// Crazy stuff...
// => 'rgb(0,128,128)'

// Pass the `flat` option to get back a single array including
// de-duped fills and strokes together
const colors = getColors('<svg...>', {flat: true})
// => [...]


npm install
npm test


  • cheerio: Tiny, fast, and elegant implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server
  • chroma-js: JavaScript library for color conversions
  • is-svg: Check if a String/Buffer is SVG
  • lodash.compact: The modern build of lodash’s _.compact as a module.
  • lodash.uniq: The modern build of lodash’s _.uniq as a module.

Dev Dependencies

  • mocha: simple, flexible, fun test framework



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