Bootcamp 2021: Learn to Build Multi-Tenant Modern SaaS APIs by Fusing Serverless, AI, IoT, Blockchain, and Quantum Technologies
Covid-19 propelled businesses into the future, ready or not. “Covid has acted like a time machine: it brought 2030 to 2020,” said Loren Padelford, vice president at Shopify Inc. “All those trends, where organizations thought they had more time, got rapidly accelerated.” We at Panacloud are trying to respond to these challenges and trying to lead from the front.
The interplay between emerging and mature technologies: AI, blockchain and the cloud
The interplay between emerging and mature technologies: AI, blockchain and the cloud
The Technologies expected to Deliver Results over the Next Few Years
The post-pandemic future of work - according to 3,000 CEOs from around the world
Graph-Based AI is the Future
Graph-Based AI Enters the Enterprise Mainstream
Bootcamp 2021 Coverage
Panacloud Bootcamp 2021 will fuse AI, IoT, Blockchain, and AWS Serverless Cloud Technologies. The Bootcamp will use Python, TypeScript and Rust as its development languages, TensorFlow as ML framework, AWS as its Serverless Cloud platform, AWS Graph Database Neptune, Ethereum as Blockchain platform and AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) with TypeScript for Infrastructure as Code.
Bootcamp 2020
Those interested in web and mobile Serverless SaaS apps and APIs should also focus onDifference Between Bootcamp 2020 and Bootcamp 2021
The objective of Bootcamp 2020 is to train developers to develop cloud based SaaS Apps and general serverless APIs for these apps. It includes developing graphic user interfaces (GUIs) development using React, Gatsby, and React Native.
The objective of Bootcamp 2021 is to train developers to develop cloud based AI, IoT, Blockchain, and Quantum powered serverless APIs. We will not cover graphic user interfaces (GUIs) in Bootcamp 2021 but only voice based conversational interfaces. A conversational interface (CUI) is a user interface for computers that emulates a conversation with a real human. The course of this bootcamp is designed in such a way that Bootcamp 2020 is not a prerequisite to Bootcamp 2021.
The recording of Bootcamp 2020 is now complete and in a few months recording of Bootcamp 2021 will start. When we say recording of Bootcamp 2020 is complete, it does not mean that the Bootcamp 2020 is closed. Admissions and project acceptance will remain open in both the Bootcamps at atleast till December 2023. We are also developing a platform for developers which will adopt both these bootcamps. Our upcoming Operation Unicorn Startups will also require participations in these bootcamps.
Cloud’s trillion-dollar prize is up for grabs
The objective of both Bootcamp 2020 and Bootcamp 2021 is to train people to go after this prize.
How many of these questions can you answer?
Note: Bootcamp 2020 and 2021 cover these topics.
Questions a Modern Application and API Developer must be able to answer:
- What is Cloud Computing?
- What is Serverless?
- What is SaaS and Serverless SaaS?
- What is Event-Driven Architecture?
- What are APIs?
- What are RESTful OpenAPIs?
- What are GraphQL APIs?
- What is IaC and Cloud Development Kit (CDK)?
- What is Typescript and why do use it as our default web programming language?
- What is Node.js?
- What is Web Assembly?
- What are Lambda Functions?
- What are Containers?
- What are Relational Databases and SQL?
- What is AWS Aurora Serverless?
- What are Graph Databases and Gremlin?
- What is AWS Neptune and Azure Cosmos DB?
- Why do we now advise developers to use Relational or Graph Databases for developing their APIs?
- What is an AWS Event Bridge?
- What is real-time data streaming? e.g. Kinesis and Kafka
- What is Edge Computing?
- What is AWS Greengrass and Azure IoT Edge?
- What is FreeRTOS?
- What is Rust and what is it best used for?
- What is AI as a Service (AIaaS)?
- What is Tensorflow and why do we prefer Python for AI development?
- What is Amazon SageMaker?
- What is Amazon Neptune Machine Learning?
- What is Amazon Aurora Machine Learning?
- What are Smart Contracts?
- What is Ethereum 2.0?
- What is Ewasm?
- What is Diem?
- What is Quantum Computing?
Operation Unicorn Startups
Operation Unicorn Facebook Group
Bootcamp 2021 is preparing developers for Operation Unicorn Startups. More details for Operation Unicorn Startups will be announced latter.
Introduction to English and Urdu Sections
Join Panacloud Discord Discussion Server Now
English Section:
Every Saturday at 9:30 PM – 11:30 PM Pakistan Standard Time, First class on Saturday, May 22, 2021
English broadcast live on Facebook
Urdu Section:
Every Sunday 9:30 pm to 11:30 pm Pakistan Standard Time, First class on Sunday, May 23, 2021
Urdu broadcast live on Facebook
Teaching Team:
Inam ul Haq, Imran, Anees, Zeeshan Hanif, Faheem, Mateen, Daniyal Nogori, and Zia Khan.
Prerequisites: Python, Rust and TypeScript
Learn Python
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
Python Full Course - Learn Python in 12 Hours - Python Tutorial For Beginners
Python Tutorial - Python for Beginners 2020
Python Tutorial For Beginners - Python Full Course From Scratch - Python Programming - Edureka
Learn Rust
Learn Rust - Tutorials, Courses, and Books
Learn TypeScript
Must Have: Create Free AWS Account
Note: For AWS Free Tier you will need a credit or debit card. The easiest way for Pakistani students is to open a bank account in Meezan Bank. Open a Meezan Aasan Account if you have no earning proof. Meezan Bank will charge Rs. 1100 for ATM Debit Card and there is a requirement of Rs. 100 minimum deposit. The card will be delivered in a few weeks. Our students have reported that this Debit card works with AWS.
Part 1: Fast Track Review of Python and Typescript
Part 2: Introduction to Serverless using CDK
We will be writing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) CDK AWS Serverless constructs in TypeScript and Lambda Functions etc. in Python, TypeScript and Rust
Learning Material:
Learning Serverless with CDK Repo
We will focus on Serverless SaaS API development using CDK and AWS Lambda, AWS API Gateway (with OpenAPI Specs, and AWS AppSync.
Also please note that we will write the application code in Python and infrasturcture code will be in Typescript.
Part 3: Learning AWS Graph Database Neptune, Graph Data Modeling, Gremlin, Graphs, AI, and Machine Learning
Introduction to Graph Theory
What is a Graph Database
The Future of Business, AI and IoT is Graph Databases
Moving Toward Smarter Data: Graph Databases and Machine Learning
Knowledge Graphs: Navigating the Future of AI, Interview with Charlie Beveridge of Accenture
Graph-Based AI Enters the Enterprise Mainstream
Why Experts See Graph Databases Headed for Mainstream Use
Why Graph Databases are Perfect for the Internet of Things
Using a Graph Database to Power the Internet of Things
Graphs & The Internet of (Connected) Things
A combination of Internet of Things (IoT) and graph database for future battlefield systems
We Select Amazon Neptune as our Graph Database
Read the Graph Data Platforms Report
Start Learning Neptune and Graph Databases
Getting started with graph databases
Getting Started with Amazon Neptune - 7 Videos
Lower the cost of building graph apps by up to 76% with Amazon Neptune T3 instances
Start Learning Graph Data Modeling
Graph Databases for Beginners: The Basics of Data Modeling
Graph data modeling: Chapter 2 of Graph Databases in Action
Hackolade: Data Modeling Tool for Tinkerpop
Start Learning Gremlin
Practical Gremlin - An Apache TinkerPop Tutorial
Neptune with Lambda
Using AWS Lambda functions in Amazon Neptune
Drawing Graphs with Neptune Data
Let Me Graph That For You – Part 1 – Air Routes
mpld3 - Bringing Matplotlib to the Browser
Neptune ML and Graph AI
Graph-Based AI Enters the Enterprise Mainstream
How Graph Technology is Changing AI
How Graph Technology is Changing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Part 4: AI as a Service
AI as a Service: Serverless machine learning with AWS
Part 5: Building Multi-Tenant SaaS APIs using Panacloud Serverless SaaS Tech
Part 6: Advanced Tensorflow
We may choose from the following books
Right now these two books are the best sellers:
Part 7: AIoT and Edge Computing
Getting started with AWS IoT Greengrass
Getting started with AWS IoT Core
We will be using the Greengrass Tutorial and inhancing all the examples and code using CDK.
It is highly recommended that you have a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, or Raspberry Pi 3 Model B/B+, with a 8 GB microSD card, or will have to use an Amazon EC2 instance as a virtual edge device.
Part 8: Building, Training, and Deploying Machine Learning Models on Cloud and Edge with Amazon SageMaker
We will be using the Learn Amazon SageMaker Textbook and inhancing all the examples and code using CDK.
Part 9: Voice Computing
{Add Voice To Your Serverless Apps with Alexa Through AWS CDK](
Part 10: Embedded Real-Time Computing
A FreeRTOS API for embedded Rust
Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency
We will try to move to Pico if Rust becomes fully functional on it
Part 11: Advance Blockchain, Stable Coin, Ethereum 2.0, and DeFi Technologies
What Eth 2.0 Meant in 2014 and What It Means Today
Ethereum 2.0: What it is, why it is here, and what is on the horizon
Breaking Down ETH 2.0 - eWASM and EVM Explained
Running Ethereum smart contracts in a Substrate blockchain
Is Solidity being replaced as the de facto standard for smart contract development?
Convergence of Blockchain, IoT, and AI
How blockchain adds trust to AI and IoT