
CoinMarketCap Python API Wrapper

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python-CoinMarketCap API Wrapper

This is a non official (but working) Python package to wrap the CoinMarketCap API. With this you can monitoring and watch the crypto market.



Via pip

  • pip install python-coinmarketcap

/!\ Don't confound with the coinmarketcap package.


  from coinmarketcapapi import CoinMarketCapAPI, CoinMarketCapAPIError

  cmc = CoinMarketCapAPI('{YOUR_API_KEY}')
  r = cmc.cryptocurrency_info(symbol='BTC')


Wrapper References



CoinMarketCapAPI(api_key=None, [debug=False, logger=None, sandbox=False, version='v1'])
  • debug: set verbosity.
  • sandbox: In case of default sandbox API key changes, see Issue #1.
  • logger: you can give a custom logger.
  • version: set the version in the URL, for futures version.


You have to pass to following methods the parameters detailled in the official documentation.

Methods and documentation Description Endpoint
(doc) cryptocurrency_map CoinMarketCap ID map /cryptocurrency/map
(doc) cryptocurrency_info Metadata /cryptocurrency/info
(doc) cryptocurrency_listings_latest Latest listings /cryptocurrency/listings/latest
(doc) cryptocurrency_listings_historical Historical listings /cryptocurrency/listings/historical
(doc) cryptocurrency_quotes_latest Latest quotes /cryptocurrency/quotes/latest
(doc) cryptocurrency_quotes_historical Historical quotes /cryptocurrency/quotes/historical
(doc) cryptocurrency_marketpairs_latest Latest market pairs /cryptocurrency/market-pairs/latest
(doc) cryptocurrency_ohlcv_latest Latest OHLCV /cryptocurrency/ohlcv/latest
(doc) cryptocurrency_ohlcv_historical Historical OHLCV /cryptocurrency/ohlcv/historical
(doc) cryptocurrency_priceperformancestats_latest Price performance Stats /cryptocurrency/price-performance-stats/latest
(doc) cryptocurrency_categories Categories /cryptocurrency/categories
(doc) cryptocurrency_category Category /cryptocurrency/category
(doc) cryptocurrency_airdrops Airdrops /cryptocurrency/airdrops
(doc) cryptocurrency_airdrop Airdrop /cryptocurrency/airdrop
(doc) cryptocurrency_trending_latest Trending Latest /cryptocurrency/trending/latest
(doc) cryptocurrency_trending_mostvisited Trending Most Visited /cryptocurrency/trending/most-visited
(doc) cryptocurrency_trending_gainerslosers Trending Gainers & Losers /cryptocurrency/trending/gainers-losers
(doc) exchange_map CoinMarketCap ID map /exchange/map
(doc) exchange_info Metadata /exchange/info
(doc) exchange_listings_latest Latest listings /exchange/listings/latest
(doc) exchange_listings_historical Historical listings /exchange/listings/historical
(doc) exchange_quotes_latest Latest quotes /exchange/quotes/latest
(doc) exchange_quotes_historical Historical quotes /exchange/quotes/historical
(doc) exchange_marketpairs_latest Latest market pairs /exchange/market-pairs/latest
(doc) globalmetrics_quotes_latest Latest global metrics /global-metrics/quotes/latest
(doc) globalmetrics_quotes_historical Historical global metrics /global-metrics/quotes/historical
(doc) tools_priceconversion Price conversion tool /tools/price-conversion
(doc) blockchain_statistics_latest Latest statistics /blockchain/statistics/latest
(doc) fiat_map CoinMarketCap ID map /fiat/map
(doc) partners_flipsidecrypto_fcas_listings_latest List all available FCAS scores /partners/flipside-crypto/fcas/listings/latest
(doc) partners_flipsidecrypto_fcas_quotes_latest Request specific FCAS scores /partners/flipside-crypto/fcas/quotes/latest
(doc) key_info Key Info /key/info

Additionnal Parameters

  • api_version (str): if given, will fetch the given version of the endpoint (default is equal to the given version in the CoinMarketCapAPI instance wich is actually v1).


Assuming you want to get informations about bitcoin. First, read the documentation of the corresponding cryptocurrency_info endpoint.

  • You can pass the symbol parameter like : cmc.cryptocurrency_info(symbol='BTC')
  • or with the slug parameter : cmc.cryptocurrency_info(slug='bitcoin')

You can switch easly in the sandbox mode without giving an API key or by setting it to None :

  • cmc = CoinMarketCapAPI() # You are in sandbox environnement

You can enable a debuging mode, just set debug to True to main class:

  cmc = CoinMarketCapAPI(debug=True)

This will produce this output :

 2019-04-06 16:03:04,716 root         DEBUG    GET SANDBOX 'v1/cryptocurrency/info'
PARAMETERS: {'symbol': 'BTC'}
2019-04-06 16:03:05,004 root         DEBUG    RESPONSE: 288ms OK: {u'BTC': {u'category': u'coin', u'name': u'Bitcoin', u'tags': [u'mineable'], u'symbol': u'BTC', u'id': 1, [...]}

Optionnaly, you can pass (on-the-fly) a specific version of an endpoint by given the api_version keyword argument directly to a method:

cmc.cryptocurrency_listings_latest(..., api_version="v1.1")

See also



You get results of the API in a Response instance.


Corresponding to standards and conventions:

  • data (dict): will give you the result.
  • status (dict): the status object always included for both successful calls and failures.
  • credit_count (int): the number of credits this call utilized.
  • elapsed (int): the number of milliseconds it took to process the request to the server.
  • total_elapsed (int): the total number of milliseconds it took to process the request.
  • timesamp (str): current time on the server when the call was executed.
  • error_code (str | None): In case of an error has been raised, this property will give you the status error code.
  • error_message (str | None): In case of an error has been raised, this property will give details about error.
  • error (bool): True if an error has been raised.


r = cmc.cryptocurrency_info(symbol='BTC')



If API returns an error, CoinMarketCapAPI will raise a CoinMarketCapAPIError.


  • rep (Response | None): will give you a Response instance or None if request failed for an other reason than a server error.


  from coinmarketcapapi import CoinMarketCapAPI, CoinMarketCapAPIError

  cmc = CoinMarketCapAPI('{YOUR_API_KEY}') # Pro environnement
  # cmc = CoinMarketCapAPI() # Sandbox environnement

    r = cmc.cryptocurrency_info(symbol='BTC')
  except CoinMarketCapAPIError as e:
    r = e.rep


See this project on


  • Add Cryptocurrency Abstraction
  • Add Exchange Abstraction
  • Add GlobalMetrics Abstraction
  • Add Tools Abstraction


  • 31 aug 2021: Version 0.3
    • Adding new endpoints (Aug 17):
      • /v1/cryptocurrency/categories
      • /v1/cryptocurrency/category
      • /v1/cryptocurrency/airdrops
      • /v1/cryptocurrency/airdrop
      • /v1/cryptocurrency/trending/latest
      • /v1/cryptocurrency/trending/most-visited
      • /v1/cryptocurrency/trending/gainers-losers
    • PEP 8 style
    • Adding api_version keyword argument to all endpoints to change on-the-fly the api version to use.
  • 8 sept 2020: Version 0.2
    • Adding missing endpoints
    • Fixing sandbox mode (see Issue #1)
    • Adding deflate, gzip encoding to receive data fast and efficiently.
    • Documentation: adding usefull links
  • 6 apr 2019: Version 0.1

Give me a coffee

  BTC: 39aosiow4nsUvYVA2kP1hZPNZ7ZbJ6ouKr
  ETH: 0x45d940FDA3F1Ce91cA7CB478af72170bb6560201