Thales Summer School - Quality Code Project

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Thales Summer School - Quality Code Project

###Scurta descriere Proiectul consta dintr-o serie de rutine pentru procesarea imaginilor folosind cod C (operatii precum: decupare, redimensionare, operatii geometrice, aritmetice, detectie de contur, etc). Programele au fost dezvoltate prin anii ’90 si publicate in cartea: D. Phillips - Image Processing in C: Analyzing and Enhancing Digital Images, RandD Publications, 1994. (web link: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/BOOKS/PHILLIPS/ ). Doar o parte din rutinele publicate au fost preluate in acest proiect. Codul a fost dezvoltat folosind standardul C90, disponibil la acea vreme. De asemenea aplicatiile nu permit decat lucrul cu imagini non-color bmp sau tiff pe 8 biti. ###Obiective proiect

  1. Refactorizare cod astfel incat sa fie compliant cu regulile MISRA, si standardul C99. Functionalitatea, in acelasi timp, sa fie pastrata sau imbunatatita;
  2. Identificarea bug-urilor si eliminarea acestora din aplicatie; De asemenea eliminarea tuturor warning-urilor de compilator;
  3. Utilizarea de tool-uri automate pentru verificarea calitatii codului si identificarea instructiunilor cu probleme;
  4. Upgrade functionalitate cod (research & development): a. lucrul cu imagini color pe 8 biti b. lucrul cu imagini bmp pe 24 de biti. c. Meniu user-friendly
  5. Documentare / versionare a modificarilor operate asupra codului;

###Listing proiect: bmp2tif.exe /* Convert a bmp 8 bit image to tiff */

boolean.exe /* Apply a boolean operation between 2 files: and, xor, or, nor, nand, not */

create.exe /* Creates an empty tiff or bmp file of size lROWS , wCOLS */

dumpi.exe /* Dumps the image number values to an ascii text */

geometry.exe /* Main calling routine for geometric subroutines: displacement, rotation, stretching, cross product */

halftone.exe /* Grey tones depending on a threshold value */

ilabel.exe /* Write a block text inside an image (labeling)*/

invert.exe /* Inverts an image*/

mainas.exe /* Addition and subtraction between 2 files */

maincp.exe /* Cuts a piece of an image and paste it to another image file */

mainover.exe /* overlay an image on other */

round.exe /* rounds off an image (cut it ) and copy it to a new file */

showi.exe /* shows the image numbers on the screen (similar with dumpi) */

side.exe /* takes 2 images and puts them together (side by side) */

stega.exe /* hide/uncover one image to/from another image - steganography*/

stretch.exe /* stretch an image */

tif2bmp.exe /* convert tiff to bmp */

###Optiuni Makefile: make .exe ; make all; make clean;