Deploy HedgeDoc Using AWS

This deploys HedgeDoc running on Fargate.

Deploying the App

To deploy your infrastructure, follow the below steps.


  1. Install Pulumi
  2. Configure AWS Credentials


After cloning this repo, from this working directory, run these commands:

  1. Create a new stack, which is an isolated deployment target for this example:

    $ pulumi stack init
  2. Set the required configuration variables for this program:

    $ pulumi config set aws:profile default
    $ pulumi config set aws:region eu-west-1
    $ pulumi config set db_password someDatabasePassword
    $ pulumi config set session_secret someSessionSecret
  3. Set up Fargate service, which will also serve on CloudFront:

    $ pulumi up
  4. After a couple minutes, your service will be ready, and stack output is printed:

    $ pulumi stack output
    Current stack outputs (1):
    OUTPUT          VALUE
    hostname        ...
  5. Thanks to the CloudFront making the service accessible from the internet, we can curl it:

    $ curl $(pulumi stack output hostname)

Destroying the App

To destroy your stack and remove it:

$ pulumi destroy --yes
$ pulumi stack rm --yes