
Qt/C++ GUI frontend for the youtube-dl tool.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a tiny Qt/C++ GUI frontend for the youtube-dl tool. youtube-dl downloads videos from youtube.com and many other video hosting platforms. Windows & Linux supported.


Windows 10 Screenshot

Windows downloads and build

Latest Windows x64 installer can be found under releases.

If you want to build this app yourself on Windows, you'll need a couple of things:

  • Qt5, grab an installer here
  • Python
  • cx_Freeze (link)
  • Inno Setup, if you want to create an installer

Open the .pro file in QtCreator and run the build process. This doesn't include the youtube_dl Python package. Execute python setup_cxfreeze.py build to freeze youtube_dl into an executable + required files. Copy the resulting build/platform-freeze/ folder into build/release/youtube_dl_frozen/. This is where __main__.exe needs to end up for the app to find it.

Linux build

Uses qmake (and make). Simply run make release from the project's top-level directory. Requires Qt5. Expects a python installation on the system. youtube-dl package is bundled with the repository.