
The application is designed to help you organize and accelerate your learning. While creating it, I studied and continue to learn new things. The basic structure of the project was established 2 years ago. The project is currently undergoing a transformation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Table of contents


General Info

Flash Cards client is the client version of the flashcards project.
This is a side project done after working hours.
The project is for learning skills.
The project has an administrator panel where you can create content for the website.


Live app

The application is deployed. You can test it here -> link.


Project Setup

Copy project from github to your pc using command below.
Then install and run it locally.

git clone https://github.com/Reckit075/flashcards_client.git
cd flashcards_client
npm install
npm start


How to use

You can use ready user to test app.
login: user
password: user



Project is created with:

  • react v16.13.1
  • react-router-dom v5.2.0
  • redux v4.0.5
  • sass v1.29.0
  • bootstrap v4.6.0
  • jwt-decode v2.2.0



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.